Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 31 Josh & Season Johnson | Page 112

“ We are better versions of ourselves today than we were at the beginning , and we ’ re growing every day .”

Dawn and Marcello Calvinisti had a seemingly perfect introduction to dōTERRA — Dawn ’ s sister , Holly Lo , is a Presidential Diamond and Canadian Founder . However , when Holly first spoke to them about dōTERRA , Dawn had no interest . Marcello was excited about the opportunity , while Dawn avoided even using the oils . When she finally tried the essential oils , she was shocked . She recalls , “ Our oldest daughter had struggled with certain health-related issues for years , and after using a diffuser , her health improved . I tried to give credit to anything else , but there was really only one answer .” After this experience , Dawn was committed to learning all she could and sharing the oils .

As they ’ ve built their business , Marcello and Dawn have been grateful to have Holly and Gabriel Lo as their immediate upline and family . “ There is a saying that says , ‘ True friends say good things behind your back and say bad things to your face .’ Holly and Gabe have built us up while we grew into our leadership roles , but they ’ ve also pointed out with love where we need to grow , and that has radically changed us and our ability to do this business .” They are also grateful to have an amazing downline team and leaders .
In addition , Marcello and Dawn are thankful to have the support of their three children . Their children love and use the oils , and they always ask Dawn and Marcello how their business is doing and what their goals are . They say , “ It ’ s really amazing to share our goals with our kids and have them be excited about the future .”
When Dawn and Marcello first started their dōTERRA business , Marcello took on extra work around the house and more responsibilities with their children so Dawn could travel to grow their business . Now , as they work in their business together , they are able to spend more time as a family . Marcello has been able to quit his job to work on their dōTERRA business , and they all road trip across the US together to go to convention and leadership retreats . This business has given them more financial and time freedom than they ever dreamed of .
As they have built more financial and time freedom for their family , Marcello and Dawn have also felt drawn to give back to others in powerful ways . Marcello moved to Canada from Guatemala in his twenties , and thanks to their success in their business , he has been able to return to Guatemala several times in the last few years . He even teaches dōTERRA classes while he is there !
These visits have also sparked a passion to help people in Guatemala . Dawn explains , “ Marcello has been instrumental in getting donated fire trucks and equipment to volunteer fire departments in Guatemala . He has driven the trucks all the way to Guatemala twice now . Our Why has become a desire to help support people in Guatemala with things we take for granted . We are excited about what that will look like as we explore more options for giving back .” From here , Dawn and Marcello are eager to see how else they will be able to grow and give .


Commit to personal development
“ Mindset really plays the biggest part . We ’ ve both learned that you have to keep moving forward and taking action no matter what comes at you . Develop yourself personally if you want to go all the way .”
Be upfront and honest
“ We are very upfront with people who are considering the business . It ’ s important to know that you will have to work very hard and get very little income until leadership ranks start coming into play .”
Focus on your leaders
“ On our way to Diamond , it took us a while to realize we could stop pushing ourselves and instead focus on where our leaders needed help and strengthening . Our leaders are our passion . We grow together .”
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 57