Erik & Linsey Wilt
“If it took you 10 years to build
a financial pipeline that would
change your family’s life, would
it be worth it? Don’t stop.”
Motivation. “On our team, we motivate each other. We are truly blessed with
t took only one experience with impression of dōTERRA was that the tion as well. Linsey had been sharing Thanks to her success in her dōTERRA
dōTERRA essential oils for Linsey company is helpful, kind, and beautiful. naturally with her friends about how business, Linsey’s life now looks com
Wilt to start learning and sharing. She My questions were always answered they could use the oils. She says, “I fell in pletely different than before she was
was drawn to natural solutions, so by my upline or member services. introduced to dōTERRA. She builds her
she accepted an offer from her friend, Essential oils started to open up my love with the idea of helping others see Gina Kiesel, to try essential oils. From mind to a different way of living.” With the powerful experience Linsey and essential oils, Linsey began to feel more her family had, she was immediately empowered in how she could care for convinced of the oils’ benefits. This has her family’s health.
changed her whole family’s life.
the value in having these natural tools in
their homes. At first I saw the business
side as a fun way to make money while
helping others. Then I had a conversa-
tion with my upline, and she showed me
Before long, Linsey and her husband some numbers about how much she
In the beginning, Linsey had endless started to apply the idea of empower- was making as a Diamond. Instantly I
questions about essential oils. “My first ment to their family’s financial situa- started dreaming of the possibilities.”
dōTERRA business with her husband,
Erik, and they love their freedom-filled life.
Linsey says, “Everything about our life has
changed. We get up each day thankful
incredible leaders who are self-driven and self-motivated. I don’t feel pressure
to be ‘the leader,’ but rather I feel free to participate in our team-family with my
strengths. We all lead and glean from each other because we all have something
unique to bring to the table.”
Strengths. “I am interested in other people and making them feel valued. I want
everyone to see their own unique strengths. I love witnessing a group of people
come together and support one another to accomplish something they never
thought they could. I cry happy tears when others triumph over objections and
discover self-love.”
for this life. Our life looked very different
before—Erik was working full time, so Inspiration. “I didn’t have a personal story about the business at first, so I would
our kids only saw him in the evenings sit down with the Leadership Magazine and soak up the words of incredible leaders.
I used their examples and gained confidence in the business side of dōTERRA.
Instead of focusing on what you haven’t accomplished yet, focus on what you want
and share from that place as if you’ve already made it happen.”
and on weekends. I was also working two
jobs, and when I was home, I didn’t have
a lot of energy for my family. Now we are
together full time, and we love it!” Linsey
and Erik are also grateful for how the oils
have impacted their family; their children
use the oils every day.
For Linsey and Erik, reaching Diamond
was key to achieving the financial
and time freedom they desired. They
explain, “Diamond gave us a taste of
that freedom we so cherish. We’re
planning to get to the top. Diamond
needed to happen to get there, but
this isn’t our stopping point.” Now,
they focus on helping their team reach
the same freedom. Linsey says, “This
business has changed our lives and
given us options and freedom we didn’t
know were possible. I want that for our
entire team! I want that for anyone who
is willing to go after it, and we will always
be here to support them.” As they work
to help others reach their own goals,
Linsey and Erik are excited to see how
they will continue to grow together.
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on