Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
Jessie Reimers
“I can’t quit now because it is way too fun hanging out with my dōTERRA
friends and being a part of them creating a life of their dreams.”
What have been the biggest hurdles you have occasion. I have anxiousness, and it's been a struggle for me What advice would you give to someone who is trying able to be of more service to causes you are passionate about
overcome on the way to Presidential Diamond? to do every class to date. to reach Presidential Diamond? because of the genuine time and financial freedom. It is so
There have been so many. I see challenges as necessary so No matter the struggle, I always found a way. I see challenges Always continue to personally enroll; don't fall into fulfilling to be able to make a real difference in people’s lives
you can help others navigate them. as universal tests, testing your faith on how important this is I've driven hours to do workshops with my two little ones, to you. No matter the hurdle, I have continued on my path. only to have no one enroll. I was on welfare at the time and I believe the biggest hurdles most people face are mindset driving a very old car; I had to pay my mechanic in essential and self-belief based, so if you constantly do personal oils multiple times to keep my car going during Diamond Club. development and use tools to support your personal and I have had builders in key positions quit on more than one professional growth, anything is possible.
micromanagement and only being in a support role. Balance
the two. I am always helping more people discover the power
of essential oils, as well as sharing the business opportunity. At this stage, what motivates you to continue building
The more people you help get their oils for free and begin your business?
to supplement, replace, and multiply their income, the more Continuing to support my team to achieve their goals, as
stable your business will be. Placing your personal enrollments
on your 3–6 level will help advance and solidify your rank and
give you fresh energy to work with.
well as inviting people to discover a new way of life, is an
amazing experience. My Why is to empower people physically,
emotionally, spiritually, and financially, and dōTERRA is the
Momentum, persistence, and consistency are key. Be the kind perfect tool to do that. It also allows me to pursue other areas
of builder you want to attract. Lead by example. Have integrity, I'm passionate about and to share my writing and speaking to
be kind to everyone, and focus on lifting others. empower people.
How have you learned to balance running your How has this business changed your life?
business and taking care of your family? The way I feel about myself and others is probably the biggest
I think the dōTERRA business is an amazing way to be truly change. I was extremely isolated prior to dōTERRA. I thought
present with your family while running a business that I was worthless and had nothing to offer the world. I lived
provides long-term residual income. The flexibility allows me in deep shame and pain. The oils, personal development,
to be there for my kids, and I set work hours so that when abundance, and the community have completely transformed
they’re at school or with their dad, I focus my energy on the me. Having people believe in, support, and genuinely love
business. When we are together, I can focus on having a me for exactly who I am has filled my heart and allowed
whole lot of fun. Of course there are sacrifices made and me to pass that on to others. Then there’ s the global travel,
times when I am away, but I think it’s amazing that my kids financial freedom, time with my family, the joy of celebrating
see their mum going after her dreams and helping others. It my team as they achieve their goals, the constant personal
makes me a better mum to have passion, purpose, goals, and development and up leveling. What in my life hasn’t
something of my own to focus on. significantly changed thanks to this business?
Some people don’t want to reach Presidential What other advice would you like to share?
Diamond because of how hard and stressful it seems. Keep sharing with people and blessing their lives with the oils,
Why should someone want to reach this rank?
and bring them hope.
opportunity, and community. Think about what your life would
I think it’s less stressful at this level because you have engaged be like if the person who shared with you hadn’t because of
sharers, leaders, and builders. It's not like in the early days their own fears or blocks. You wouldn't have this in your life
when you are the only one running classes, enrolling, doing and that would be a shame, so don't take this opportunity
business training, etc. As you build, you raise leaders. This level from anyone. Share it far and wide, and keep showing up
means the kind of abundance that ensures your own financial because you have the power to make a real difference in your
needs are met, and you can begin to bless others. You are own life and countless others.
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on