Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 31 Jessie Reimers | Page 30

NEW dōTERRA DIAMONDS “If you love helping others and sharing a healthy lifestyle, why wouldn’t you want this opportunity?” David & Andrea Cauffman BLAIN, PENNSYLVANIA, USA A LED HERE ndrea Cauffman attended her first essential oils class with her daughter, Taylor. During the class, Taylor whispered in Andrea’s ear, “Mom, why aren’t we using these oils?” Andrea was curious and excited to see how the oils worked, and at Taylor’s suggestion, their family started using dōTERRA essential oils. Like many other Wellness Advocates, Andrea started sharing naturally. She says, “We were telling all of our friends how these little brown bottles were helping our family with health issues. Then I decided to host a class, and the rest fell into place.” When Andrea decided to commit to the business opportunity, she was already working from home with her husband’s construction company. “I had the perfect opportunity. However, I truly believe that if it’s God’s will and direction, anytime is the perfect opportunity. You just have to see it and move toward it.” Since then, Andrea has remained dedicated to following the path God shows her. On this journey, she feels blessed to have the support of her family, her team, her pastor, her mindset/life coach, her business coach, and God. Andrea says, “Each of these play a significant role in helping me be successful in many ways. They push me to become a better person all-around so I can help our team do the same.” With their support, Andrea continually pushes herself to grow and improve. As Andrea’s business has grown, her team has become part of her motivation. “I want to help others be the best and healthiest they can be in their mind, body, and spirit. I’m motivated to help my leaders toward the same financial freedom I have.” Andrea’s family is also an important part of her Why. Through her journey with dōTERRA, Andrea has learned more about natural health solutions, and she is grateful for the impact this has had on her family. Andrea’s family has also come along for the dōTERRA journey with her. Her daughter, Taylor, is in college and is now a Silver. Her son, Jade, is starting WO RDS LEAD WITH FAITH. “See this amazing opportunity, move through any fear blocks you may have, and go for it! Let your faith be bigger than your fear. I was terrified to teach, but I am also strong willed and knew this was where I was being led. My mantra has helped me overcome many hurdles along the way.” 30 OF BUILD UNITY. “The comp­ ensation plan is designed to help us support our team. Creating a team atmosphere and helping others is what it’s all about. Team unity sets dōTERRA apart—it honestly doesn’t matter whose ‘team’ we’re on, because everyone is very helpful and supportive.” dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I MARCH / APRIL 2018 his own dōTERRA business with his fiancée, Katie. Andrea’s husband, David, owns a construction company and also works as a firefighter; his support, insight, and help are invaluable. He helps Andrea teach team leader trainings; David is great at explaining the numbers-end of the business and keeping other men engaged and supportive of their partners. dōTERRA has touched Andrea’s life in ways she never imagined. She explains, “God chose this path for us to be on. He placed my friend who shared oils with me in my path. If not for her leading me toward dōTERRA, I would not have been inspired to further my education and become a certified aromatherapist.” This path has also led Andrea to find solutions for her own health issues, which in turn has helped her guide her family and team to greater health. With her simple yet powerful motivation to better herself and others, Andrea is eager to see what else is in store for her. “I can’t wait to see what is going to happen next on our journey! All the glory goes to God.” “Leadership Retreat is by far our favorite event of the year! It gives us the motivation we need, as well as product education.” W I S D OM KEEP YOUR PRIORITIES. “When my kids were still in school, I’d time block and have specific times for the business. Now, I work as it comes. When the kids are home, they have my full attention. David and I both work a lot, but we always make time for each other.” FOCUS ON BELIEF. “Bust through limiting beliefs and help your leaders do the same. Break that glass ceiling! Who wants to stay boxed in? You can do anything you set your mind to. Focus there. Work in your strengths and allow your team to do the same. Love your leaders and help your team shine.” Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com. doterra.com 31