Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 30 Gabriel and Holly Lo | Page 56

“ Our mission is to bring the glory back to our Creator for these pure gifts of the Earth .”
and work together more intentionally .” Sarah Kate and Craig also love that this opportunity allows them to spend more time together as a family .
In addition , dōTERRA products have changed Sarah Kate ’ s lifestyle and how she cares for her family . While her son , Rafe , is only two years old , he already knows to turn to the oils as a solution . Sarah Kate loves sharing essential oils with other parents , especially mothers . “ Because I have grown my business entirely while either pregnant or breastfeeding , I am very confident in the pregnancy and babies niche . I love empowering other mamas and mamas-to-be .”

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DON ’ T COMPARE YOUR JOURNEY TO OTHERS . “ I find when we start to compare our success or growth with other people , we lose the joy in the journey . We start to doubt our abilities , and our wins start to feel insignificant . Your journey is uniquely designed for you , and it won ’ t look like anyone else ’ s . Be okay with that , and keep coming back to your Why when you start to feel comparison creeping in .”
COMMIT TO A 3 – 5 YEAR BUSINESS PLAN . “ When people start off and don ’ t see the ranks or money coming in quickly , they can start to feel discouraged . They are investing a lot of time , resources , and energy with little return in the early days . Trust the process . You are planting the seeds , and the harvest will come in time . Entrepreneurs in other business ventures know that it takes 3 – 5 years to establish their business ; dōTERRA is no different .”
START WITH PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE AND EDUCATION . “ It ’ s very important to know the products and educate your audience . Teaching them practical ways to incorporate these oils into their everyday lives will see them signing up , using the products with confidence , and replacing their household items with dōTERRA , which means LRP ! And LRP is the main building block to a strong organization .”
Because Sarah Kate has seen how the business opportunity has blessed her family , she is eager to share this with others . While her family is always at the forefront of her Why , she is also fully invested in helping her team members to reach their own goals . She says , “ I dream of creating and fostering a strong community of empowered , inspiring women who are living lives they love and serving the world with their strengths and passions .” As Sarah Kate continues her journey , she is eager to continue growing and building with her team .
For Sarah Kate and her family , dōTERRA has been the perfect answer . She is able to be home with her children without financial stress , her husband is joining her full time in the dōTERRA business , and she is part of a strong team . She says , “ The relationships I ’ ve formed are very special to me , and I feel like this is a dream come true . I feel like I ’ m living my true calling .” doterra . com 29