Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 30 Gabriel and Holly Lo | Page 38
“The dōTERRA culture sets it apart
from the rest. Our community has
such passion and compassion.”
Elizabeth Ho
efore she was introduced to protect the integrity of the oils, and I on how they can support their health
dōTERRA products, Elizabeth Ho was noticed the quality of dōTERRA essential and increase their energy and vitality
searching for essential oils that were oils was different from other oils I was as they have never experienced before
pure, safe, and thoroughly tested. When accustomed to.” through the use of dōTERRA essential
Lee Seang Looi told her about dōTERRA
oils and the high quality standards
maintained by dōTERRA, Elizabeth was
immediately interested, and she decided
Once she had researched the quality of
the oils, Elizabeth started using them on
her family, as well as sharing them with
oils.” For Elizabeth, sharing dōTERRA
products is about how they can impact
and improve each individual’s life.
to do some research. She says, “After others. She was amazed by the positive As Elizabeth shares the essential
doing my own research on dōTERRA results she experienced each time she oils, she focuses on each person’s
essential oils, I was impressed by the tried the oils, and after being a product unique needs. She says, “I first need to
meticulous standards in sourcing, user for some time, Elizabeth decided understand them as an individual—their
testing, and the final product. I learned to start her dōTERRA business. Now, her likes and dislikes, and their lifestyle.
about the strict protocols in place to Why is to “educate and empower people Once I understand them, I can offer
suggestions and solutions on how
essential oils can make a profound
transformation in their lives.” Her follow-
up techniques are also tailored to each
person’s preferences.
Throughout her dōTERRA journey,
Elizabeth has felt grateful to find
support and friendship in her upline
and team leaders. She feels that
she has an entire community that
continually encourages and helps her.
Elizabeth says, “We learn from each
other daily about the goodness of the
oils and how the oils have impacted
our lives. They help me look at things
through a different lens and offer ideas
I might not have thought of on my own.
Together, we are working to build a
successful system.”
Elizabeth set her sights on Diamond to
Set your timeline for when you want to achieve Diamond.
show her team what they can do when
they put their hearts and minds to it. “I
needed to show them that the system
works, and that Diamond is achievable.
My keys are patience, persistence, and
perseverance. If you find that you are run-
ning lows on these three Ps, add prayer.”
Looking back on the past few years,
Identify team members you personally enrolled who can potentially
qualify as Silver, and ask if they will commit to hitting the rank in the
given timeframe. If they agree, provide additional coaching and support
when necessary.
Conduct four weekly classes to raise enrollments, and offer incentives
for sharers as well as new enrollees.
Elizabeth says, “This opportunity has
transformed me into a better person.
I’m in a position to help more people
improve the quality of their lives—
physically, emotionally, and even
financially. I have no inhibitions
about reaching out to those in need
because my experience in sharing the
oils has given me trust and confidence
that the oils work and can change lives
Provide a 90-day plan for new enrollees to work on their specific
concerns or issues, whereby setting up LRP will be a logical move to
order products with additional savings.
Encourage team members to reach out to family or friends with specific
issues by showing them testimonials on how these specific concerns can
be addressed with aromatic, topical, or internal application of dōTERRA
essential oils and supplements.
for the better.” From here, Elizabeth
is eager to continue helping people
through sharing.
Create monthly special classes for team members to have fun learning
about essential oils.
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.