Marie-Christine Morin Levis ,
Quebec , CAN
“ Be the example . Be the leader you want to attract . Everything starts with you .”
When Marie-Christine Morin committed to Diamond Club , she committed to being an example to her team . She explains , “ I wanted to be an example of perseverance and determination . It was not about me , but about ‘ we .’” This drove Marie-Christine ’ s motivation over the four months of Diamond Club .
Never one to do anything halfway , Marie-Christine knew that Diamond Club would require complete dedication . She says , “ I ’ ve always been deeply inspired by people who put their soul into a project or a cause they believe in . I knew Diamond Club would allow me to support my team in taking action and shining in their own way .” During Diamond Club , Marie-Christine had regular meetings with her team members on how she , as a leader-servant , could help them achieve their goals .
Throughout her Diamond Club experience , Marie-Christine discovered essential keys to success , including the importance of communicating her Why and her vision to her team ( which included recording a video of herself explaining her motivations and inviting her team to join her ), being organized , and having a mentor she could trust and rely on . She remained committed thanks to the belief that she could impact her team . “ What kept me going was the thought that at some point , I was making a difference in their lives , on a personal or professional level .” Thanks to her determination , Marie-Christine ’ s team is now experiencing deeper connections and greater momentum , and Marie-Christine was even able to double rank advance to Diamond .
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