Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 30 Gabriel and Holly Lo | Page 16
“With the dōTERRA business, I can help create
better communities and also improve my life financially.”
Kenta Kiriyama
he first time Kenta Kiriyama was the products. If I see someone who is work. I have gained more confidence
invited to join the dōTERRA business, really in love with the products, then I and a greater desire to influence
he declined. He was working as a ask them if they would like to share the people.” Kenta is especially dedicated
journalist who shared products with dōTERRA products with others.” to positively influencing his team
physical and environmental benefits,
which led to his introduction to dōTERRA
products. After declining the invitation
from Mr. and Mrs. Takeda to learn about
the business, he couldn’t stop thinking
about dōTERRA. Kenta asked to meet
with them again a few months later, and
this time, he committed to starting his
As he has built his business, Kenta
has received immense support from
his upline and his family. He explains,
can support each other.
Kenta’s team was also one of his major
helped me significantly. They have motivations to achieve Diamond. “I
taught me not only about work, but also wanted to lead my team in a better
about becoming a better person. They direction. I also wanted to take care
are my great mentors and educators.
Kenta had worked in direct sales sincerely care about each person.”
beginning that the dōTERRA business
built a great community where they
“Mr. and Mrs. Takeda, my upline, have dōTERRA business.
previously, and he could see from the
members. He feels that his team has
They have a huge heart, and they
Kenta is also supported by his wife,
who takes care of their family and helps
of my family well and increase my
income. I promised to myself that I
would become Diamond, and I wanted
to prove that the training offered by
my upline was right.” In his journey
Kenta focus on details when needed. to reach Diamond, Kenta found that
sales companies, even though they Since he began his dōTERRA business, development as well as business
are in the same industry. dōTERRA is Kenta has seen several changes development. He explains, “I needed
not profit oriented—we are people in his life. He explains, “My life has to face my own weaknesses and
oriented. I love the culture of taking care become more stable financially, and shortcomings, and I needed to ask
of each person and focusing on the I am grateful that I have been able myself why I was stuck. I needed to
products.” Even when Kenta shares the to decrease my debt. As my life has improve myself through the journey.”
business opportunity with others, he become more financially stable, I As he looks to his future in his dōTERRA
maintains his focus on individuals and have become less stressed, which has business, Kenta is committed to
the products. “I first let people enjoy helped me to focus even better on my continuing to improve himself.
is unique. He says, “I noticed that
dōTERRA is different from other direct
the key was to work on personal
“dōTERRA is not profit oriented—we are people oriented.”
“It is important to invite people to
a specific event or workshop that
meets their needs and interests.
Then you need to follow up and
ask how they felt during the event.
It is necessary to always think
in advance about what kind of
information would be helpful for
them to enjoy improvements in
their life.”
“I advise you to listen to your
upline members with an open
heart and mind. They give you
advice because they have a desire
to help you succeed. Before you
doubt the advice, please doubt
your way of doing things.”
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.
“I focus on three key points: how
to enroll new members, how
to help members to continue
LRP, and how to cultivate more
business builders. I try to recognize
my team members’ strengths and
provide the necessary support
they need at the moment. It’s
important to understand their
challenges and needs.”