Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 29 Asako Kobayashi | Page 78

GET INSPIRED PALMS UP “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can.” –John Wesley BY JESSI BOSCHMA As we look over the almost five years we’ve been using God’s blessings versus hanging on too tightly. (If you struggle with dōTERRA products, so much has changed. We literally cannot this like I do, try Wintergreen, the oil of surrender.) God has blessed fathom our life without these precious oils or company. Three our family and our team in so many ways. Whenever I teach a years into our oil journey, when we were about to have our second class, I always share that saying yes to Jesus was the best decision son, Brody, there was a shift. I was teaching high school math part I ever made—then saying yes to Ryan to be his wife, then saying time and knew I didn’t want to go back to work once Brody was yes to being a mom, and then saying yes to dōTERRA. From the born. I wanted to be home with him and our son, Lucas. I quickly beginning of our marriage, we have wanted to work together as a filled up my schedule with oil classes and started teaching solo. team. dōTERRA has given us opportunities to love others, and it is I was terrified, but my Why was big enough to push forward. our responsibility to take those opportunities and love the best we Fast-forward two months: our Brody was born, and we had five know how. dōTERRA has helped us love better. precious days with him before he passed away. The grief and heartache was and is unimaginable, but through it all, we clung to our faith and our amazing oils. We continued to share. It brought us Actionable Steps joy, and our belief in the products only intensified. Do less better: This has been a guiding phrase for most After the heartbreaking loss of Brody, we were given time to of our marriage. Before we commit to something, we ask reevaluate our priorities. We realized life was too short to do ourselves if it’s allowing us to do less better. When I look something that didn’t bring us complete joy. We committed even back at how thinly stretched I was years ago, it makes me more to our dōTERRA business. We tightened our budget, I took exhausted! It’s okay to tell people no; it highlights the times a yearlong leave of absence from teaching, and we figured we we say yes. There is such freedom in saying no. As a people- could squeak by the next