Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 28 Matt and Sara Janssen | Page 6
Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
Nate & Dana Moore
possible. Each time you need to skill up, you need to look in the
mirror, examine where you lack, and be willing to change.
How do you and your spouse work together in
the business?
Nate and I really enjoy working together—although it was a big
adjustment at first. I definitely needed him to continue to grow
our business and balance all the demands of the family. The
Some people don’t want to reach Presidential Diamond
because of how hard and stressful it seems. What are
the benefits of this rank? Why should someone want to
reach it?
There is a level of amazing responsibility that comes with the
rank of Presidential Diamond. To whom much is given, much
is required. The benefits of Presidential Diamond are so
numerous, but for us, the main benefit is that we earn much
more than we need and are able to give generously. Nate
and I have bankruptcy in our history; we understand what it
How have you learned to balance your business
and your family? To stay in balance, we need to
make constant, calculated adjustments. Here are
my favorite tips for achieving sanity in the home
while continuing to grow your business:
A season of growing your business
requires focus, but if your life is full of little
distractions, it can steal from your ability
to focus. Saying no is a powerful habit for
establishing healthy boundaries.
Do not mix work time and family time.
I have set work hours and set family
hours—and in seasons, work has gotten
more hours, specifically when we are
pushing for a new rank. In other seasons,
we have given more attention to our family.
Be kind to yourself. We aren’t
superheroes—we are humans, and we have
limits. Let go of some of your ideals for a
season. To expect to launch to heights like
Presidential while maintaining all of your
normal responsibilities is not possible.
means to have major financial stress. The stress we have now
is a responsibility that we rise to, not run from. We have over
20,000 people in our organization, and although we didn’t
enroll all of them, the fact that we said yes to this opportunity
and put our heart and soul into it means we have some level of
connection to the health of thousands of families.
How has this business changed your life?
This business has changed our lives in every way. Before
dōTERRA, I was a stay-at-home mama with a lot of gifting that
wasn’t being used. The unused energy began to take root in
discontentment and frustration at times. When we started with
dōTERRA, the gifts I had ignited and surprised us both. It was
an incredible mindset change. We understood residual income
and the opportunity that we were given—and that changed the
way we thought about our family, our dreams, and the impact
we could have on the world.
Now we co-parent. Every morning we have breakfast as a
family, see our kids off to school, hit the gym, and dive into our
business—together. Our kids have time with both mom and
dad; it’s an invaluable gift that we wouldn’t trade for anything.
We also have time freedom that still astounds us.
Do you have anything else you would like to add?
I often think we can dismiss the situations in our lives as
coincidence; however, as we reflect on the past few decades,
we can see the hand of God in our lives, preparing us for such
What advice would you give to someone who is trying to What were the biggest hurdles you overcame on the way
reach Presidential Diamond? to Presidential Diamond?
It all starts with belief. I don’t think we doubted for a second There are specific hurdles at each rank. The key is to skill up
that we could do it—you cannot underestimate how every time you encounter a hurdle. When it came to hitting the
powerful your thoughts are. We got to Presidential Diamond rank of Presidential Diamond, we needed to facilitate a huge
by taking it one step at a time, one enrollment at a time, one team effort and collectively lead our qualifiers to their goals. It
class at a time. Being consistent with the activities that you required u s to skill up as leaders. If you are not fully committed
know work, coupled with belief, will bring success. to personal growth, then hitting the rank of Presidential is not
combination of it all and the pace we were growing was too
much for me to handle alone. Nate quit his job just before we hit
Blue Diamond. We quickly figured out that it would be best for
me to continue teaching, enrolling, and training. Despite being
very gifted with people and passionate about health, Nate filled
some behind-the-scenes gaps. Nate now primarily runs our tools
business and handles our personal and business taxes, budgets,
investments, etc. We aren’t one another’s “boss,” but we partner
well, and we are both vital to the success of our business.
a time as this. There have been countless challenges that have
caused us to go face-to-face with choosing defeat or choosing
to find victory, even when it seemed to be nowhere in sight. As
we look back, our life choices have all led to this opportunity.
But to think this is the end would be naïve—this is just the
beginning. We are so excited to continue to say yes to a life that
challenges the status quo, that breathes authenticity, that does
brave things, and that ultimately pours out for others. Thank
you, dōTERRA, for an opportunity of a lifetime.
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.