Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 28 Matt and Sara Janssen | Page 52

only confident in , but what they are passionate about . We remind them to share their personal oil experiences , and why they started sharing dōTERRA essential oils in the first place . We get them back to the enthusiasm . We reconnect them to why they care about sharing oils with the people in their class .
Be yourself . Share from your heart . Being excited for others to experience the goodness you have is the place to start . This will connect you to people ’ s hearts , you will feel what they need , and you will inspire them to get these precious oils into their homes .
How do you effectively support your team in other states and countries ?
When we started growing our business , the majority of our efforts were in other states . For the first few years , we traveled monthly to these places . We knew the leaders and frequently attended classes and trainings . We were connected and trusted . Even when we went home , we maintained these connections . People felt we were there , we were on their team , and we were someone they could look up to and count on . Ultimately , they believed we cared about their success , which we believe was the secret to ours .
Now we can see areas where we have done a good job of staying connected and cultivating relationships . In these places , we see continual growth . In other areas , where we have not stayed as connected , we are experiencing challenges .
It is clear that developing , strengthening , and maintaining connections is key . We also believe some amount of face-to-face interaction is important ; this will give you a sense of what to do next , when to come back , and how to empower individuals to take on more responsibility . The law of the harvest applies to this business — we reap what we sow .
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 27