Charles & Anna Penick
“dōTERRA has given me not just financial freedom, but the knowledge of what to do with my
money now that I have it. I’ve learned how to budget and how to be a steward of my finances.”
nna Penick owned a private
she was working 60 hours a week. She
your booty off and you can go at a pace
practice as a holistic nutritionist
says, “I thrived on what I did. I got up at
that’s comfortable for you.”
for about five years. She worked in an
five in the morning and couldn’t be more
office alongside a naturopath who sold
excited to get to work. I stayed there until
essential oils at retail on her shelves.
five or seven at night. It was the hardest
Anna didn’t know much about oils until
thing to say goodbye to my practice, but
the naturopath convinced her to attend
I knew that was what I needed to do.”
convention. There, Anna learned a lot
Her husband, Charles, only got a small
about what the oils really could do.
paycheck from his medical residency
She enrolled when she came back and
that wouldn’t cover even half of their
started using them herself.
expenses, so she decided that she was
She found the oils to be more cost-
Platinum to replace her income by the
going to build a dōTERRA business to
effective than the homeopathic remedies
she had used in her practice. For a while,
she sent her clients to the naturopath
time her child was born.
For six months, Anna worked full time in
She was able to reach solid Platinum
in less than a year and then took more
than six months off of her business for
a maternity leave. Anna says, “I would go
back and do it all over again 10 times to
be where I am right now and not have
to walk out the door every morning and
say goodbye to my son. This has really
empowered me to reach out to other
moms so that they don’t have to live
paycheck to paycheck but can still be
at home with their babies.”
her practice, then taught two classes a
Now, Anna wants to work to pay off
week and made three to five contacts a
Charles’s medical school debt so he
to wholesale accounts.
day. She says, “My biggest pet peeve is
will only have to practice medicine for
when people say they don’t have time.
a few years before they can share their
With a surprise baby on the way, it was
For just a short amount of time, you
knowledge and skills around the world
really important to Anna to find a way to
work your booty off to get yourself to a
as a ministry. She says, “This business is
stay at home with her child. At the time,
position where you don’t have to work
a lot of work, but it’s so stinking worth it.”
to buy oils, until she told Anna that she
ought to consider introducing her clients
Understand differences.
Figure out their needs.
Nurture them accordingly.
Build for motivation.
“I don’t need to be told
what to do. I don’t need
any encouragement or
self-help books. I just do
it by myself. But there
are not a lot of people
who work like that. Just
because that’s how I work,
doesn’t mean that’s how
my team is going to work.”
“Understand your leaders’
personalities. Sit down
with them and figure
out their needs and their
love languages. That’s
so important because
otherwise you can do
something offensive or
disrespectful and not
even know it.”
“Make sure you’re
nurturing them in the
right way because if you
don’t, then they’re not
going to grow. I think
sometimes people don’t
have good builders, not
because the people aren’t
good, but because they’re
not being nurtured.”
“I wasn’t going to wait
for my builders to hit
Silver. I had a plan. As long
as they were showing me
at least a small effort,
I helped them build their
team. Once they started
getting decent paychecks,
they were super motivated.
That’s when they took off.”
*Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on