“ I just follow where my heart takes me .”
“ I just follow where my heart takes me .”
Ever since then , Sarah-Jane has continued to follow her heart and the business has come naturally . While it ’ s easy for her to follow her inner guidance , the hard part has been discerning between an answer that ’ s a “ no ” and one that ’ s “ yes , but I ’ m scared .” She says , “ It ’ s important to do things that are scary and get out of our comfort zone because that ’ s where the magic and the growth really happen . But , as we get better at doing that , sometimes we say yes to things because that ’ s what we think a leader should do when , in fact , it was a ‘ no .’ We have to learn to tell the difference .”
Now , she can barely remember her life before dōTERRA . She says , “ It ’ s constantly pushing me to be everything I can and to play bigger than I ever thought I could .” Ty can now spend more time with them as a family , and their dreams are coming true .
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GATHER LOTS OF IDEAS . “ Listen to all of the leaders ’ different and often contradicting ideas , theories , practices , or styles of leadership . Take away from them parts that resonate with you to form decisions that are your own .”
OPEN UP TO DIFFERENT OPTIONS . “ It ’ s easy when you ’ re starting out to watch one instructional video and say , ‘ OK , this is how we do it .’ Instead , give yourself time to gather different theories . You ’ ll learn that there ’ s no one shoe that fits all .”
APPLY THEM TO EACH SITUATION . “ Every situation is different . We build our businesses with people not Legos . Gaining ideas from a wide range of people can empower you to have a lot of different tools to use in all the different situations .”
HONOR EVERYONE ’ S PROCESS . “ Trust in yourself . Walk your own path . Honor your process , and honor that in other people on your team . Give them permission to find their path , and respect how that looks even when it ’ s different from you .”
* Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . www . doterra . com 9