Greg & Dr . Julie Montgomery
For husband-and-wife team Greg and
Julie Montgomery , building a business is all about consistency and commitment . Julie says , “ You have to be consistent and committed , even in the mundane things . It ’ s not all exciting , but you have to do those everyday things .” And it ’ s in living the everyday things that Greg and Julie have built their dōTERRA business and become Diamonds .
Julie first met Greg by accident . Both were working for another network marketing company and Greg had set up a website . When Julie went to look for something on the company website , she inadvertently landed on Greg ’ s website . “ Turns out ,” Julie recalled , “ we had a lot in common . I did a lot of stuff with nutrition and Greg was into natural products as well . We also both had a love for horses .” Julie went to see Greg ’ s horses and the rest , as they say , is history . Julie says , “ We met through the oils !”
Now , working their dōTERRA business has become a family affair . Greg and Julie ’ s children , Rebekah and Brent and his wife , Stephanie , are both Silver business builders , and the rest of the family are dōTERRA users as well . Even Julie ’ s 84-year-old mother uses dōTERRA . Julie says , “ She loves to diffuse the oils .”
But things haven ’ t always been easy going for the Montgomerys . About six months after joining dōTERRA , the couple experienced a devastating robbery that took all of their savings . Julie says , “ We were worried about what we were going to do for retirement . I thought I would be more devastated by the robbery , but I realized that with dōTERRA , I didn ’ t have to worry . I knew we were with a company I trusted and that we would be okay .” Julie continues , “ Our team logo is the Phoenix and I think that we ’ ve attracted a lot of people who are rising from whatever ashes they have . People are rising from emotional and financial ashes . I think dōTERRA is perfect for any kind of rising from the ashes . It gives people something good to believe in .”
Now , the Montgomerys are Diamonds and are building a solid business for the future . The number-one thing Julie emphasizes for building a business is consistency . From the minute the couple enrolled , they began teaching classes . Julie says , “ We taught classes about health all of the time , but we never taught a class about oils until dōTERRA .” That first class had 65 people in it with 20 – 25 people enrolling . Julie recalls , “ We saw that the class model was great so we taught a class every Tuesday night for the first six months .” And that ’ s what they have been doing ever since . “ Since the very beginning , there has been a class every single Tuesday night at my office ,” Julie says . “ Everybody knows when the classes are so we can invite people . It ’ s been great to know that no matter what , you know that you can send people to a class , and the whole team helps teach now , so we don ’ t have to do it all ourselves like in the beginning .”
“ What other job is there out there to help people change lives ?” Julie asks . “ When you sell someone a kit , you ’ re selling them a box of hope . I really believe that ’ s what it is . You bring hope of not just physical and financial healing , but I believe that you help people understand the bigger picture .”