Osvaldho Hosornio
“The products are easy to share
because they create emotions and
bring well-being.”
svaldho Hosornio wasn’t particularly
excited when his colleague told him
about an opportunity to sell dōTERRA
essential oils. In fact, after looking at the
website for dōTERRA, he thought that
the oils were beautiful products, but he
didn’t see the practicality in them and
was not interested. This feeling toward
essential oils continued for another year,
until he made a few new changes that
opened his eyes to the importance of
essential oils.
Osvaldho had been working as an
insurance broker for nine years when
he decided to leave that way of living
and move to Sierra Sur, Mexico. In
this new location he was able to learn
things he wasn’t fully aware of before.
He says, “I had a better connection with
Mother Earth. This helped me know my
own body and become more in touch
with the environment—thus becoming
more in tune with ‘gifts from the earth,’
such as dōTERRA.”
He and his wife, Carolina, worked hard
to be organic in all aspects of their lives,
helping them become self-reliant and
centered on a natural lifestyle. They
grew some of their own food, built their
home with their own hands and with
the help of their friends, birthed their
children naturally at home, and created
a culture for their family that was free
from outside influences. But when it
came to managing their health, they felt
they had little independence. So after a
year of avoiding dōTERRA essential oils,
Osvaldho decided to finally look into and
try the products.
The oils turned out to be exactly what
Osvaldho and his family were missing,
and he quickly signed up as a Wellness
Advocate. Osvaldho says, “Becoming
a Wellness Advocate provided the
means for us to finally reach that
independence in an area of our lives
that is now a high priority for us—
the wellbeing of our physical bodies
and emotional health achieved via
natural products.”
His enthusiasm for the products
continued to grow, and soon, he
began to share the oils with others
through the business opportunity. To
his amazement, he saw the business
flourish to the point where dōTERRA
became his new career. He says,
“Sharing dōTERRA is nothing but a pure
blessing to me since we feel, smell, and
use the product in many ways while
impacting lives in different ways. It is my
passion to invite others to try dōTERRA.”
Adding dōTERRA to Osvaldho’s lifestyle
has brought many blessings to his life and
to his family. He says, “I try to work from
home as much as I can. I interact with my
children while they play and run outside,
and the fact that I can be close by when
Carolina reads a book to our children
at night before bedtime makes me
appreciate the time I have invested in this
business and see how it has paid off.”
Osvaldho is motivated to keep sharing
the oils because he has experienced
these rich blessings in his family, and he
and Carolina know that by continuing
to share, they and Osvaldho’s team are
empowering thousands of people and
bettering the world. Osvaldho says, “It
motivates me to know that there are
alternatives, and that we can change the
world in many ways in only a lifetime. I
become emotional knowing that I am an
active part in that transition—leading a
movement full of great people who have
control over their own destiny.”
Encourage others to
attend events. “I always
try to convey to people
the importance of
attending Leadership,
convention, and other
events. Sharing in those
moments has been a
very positive experience
for everyone because it
makes everyone shine in
his or her own way.”
Embrace the self-
development. “Events
have given me the
opportunity to be close
to the people, to develop
my social skills, and to
inspire those who are
my partners today. Each
event is different, and I
love the flexibility with
which they are adapted
to individuals.”
Provide new knowledge.
“Offering classes that
teach how to make oil
blends have been very
successful, and it creates
a great opportunity for
each member to invite
someone new to attend.”
Make the connection.
“Join your story with the
company’s story. Show
the oils, talk about your
experience using them,
and explain why they are
so pure. Tell everyone
how you doing this helps
others and how dōTERRA
helps fulfill your dreams.”
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on