Chiho Fujiwara
The Unexpected Life
s a manager of an herb salon, it influence other people to take care of Along with her team, Chiho is also
was Chiho Fujiwara’s job to know their own health and their own lives by supported by her upline that freely
and share the benefits of herbs with sharing the oils that she knew worked shares their advice to help her and
her students and customers. So when and could make a difference. her team succeed.
When Chiho finally agreed to do the When Chiho is at home, she is fortified
business, she was excited that she was by her family who encourages her
joining a group of people who were in the business. She says, “My family
Chiho tried dōTERRA essential oils for
the first time, it was very clear to her
that the oils were high quality and
worth investing in.
happy about what they were doing and doesn’t complain about anything and
At first, the prospect of participating in the impact they were having. She says, doesn’t cause any conflicts, but instead,
the business was daunting and Chiho “I signed up with dōTERRA because they put in effort so that I can focus on
preferred just to use the products. I felt a sense of excitement coming my work without having any worries on
She even told her enroller that she from the dōTERRA executives, staff my mind.” This team effort at home has
did not want to get involved with the members, and Wellness Advocates. allowed Chiho to grow her business
business aspect. Chiho says, “I thought I was also inspired as I saw them with great success, knowing that her
doing the business was impossible. I working hard as a team toward their family is there for her and is cheering
thought it was a type of business that dreams, and I wanted to join them.” her on.
only certain people could do.”
Chiho has now formed her own team Before Chiho started the business,
These thoughts slowly faded away as that works together to reach their she had a good life that followed many
she started to notice how a dōTERRA dreams and uplift people. To her, of her expectations, but since joining
business could affect her life. As a one of her favorite aspects of the dōTERRA, she has experienced exciting
single mom of two children, Chiho business is her team and the women new changes that have given her an
began to understand how she could whom she gets to work with. Chiho unexpected and fulfilling flair to life.
make an income with dōTERRA and says, “They are in similar circumstances With such positive outcomes, Chiho
support her family, and this motivated as I am, and they are women who have is looking forward to the future of her
her to reconsider the opportunity. She my same values. They have supported business and is already preparing for
was also encouraged by how she could me as I have sought their assistance.” the time when her children can join her.
“I love that I can
work freely with the
people I like.”
Stick with the basics. Follow the examples. Share what you know.
“You don’t need to do
anything out of the
ordinary to do a dōTERRA
business. Focus on reports,
planning development,
research, and incentives.” “Just keep on following
the examples of those who
have done this before you.” “What you think is good
is what other people
will think is good. Tell
others your feelings and
impressions—that is all you
need to do.”
Don’t overcomplicate
“You do not need to do
anything that will make
you think the business is
difficult, troublesome, or
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnin