Yuki Ishida
“More than ‘liking’
or ‘having an interest,’
being prompt to take
action and being
able to manage lots
of information
are very crucial to
achieving Diamond.”
Choosing dōTERRA
uki Ishida had never heard of people. She says, “dōTERRA products I can’t thank them enough. They often
dōTERRA and didn’t know anything have a positive effect on health communicated with me and taught me
about multi-level marketing companies, that people can’t resolve with other how to use the products. I know they
but when she saw her friend having products.” This knowledge encouraged have supported me even when I was
success with dōTERRA essential oils, her to continue to share. not aware of it. They also taught me
it sparked an interest. Yuki’s friend
about the compensation plan in detail.”
In spite of her desire to use the
had been having some issues with
dry and rough hands, and decided to
use dōTERRA essential oils to see if
they could help her. When Yuki and
her friend started to see a notable
difference in the appearance of her skin,
they were amazed with the outcome.
products and to share dōTERRA, With Yuki’s efforts and the help of
Yuki did not want to participate in her support team, she has been able
the business; she just wanted to to reach out to many and make a
purchase products. But when her difference in the lives of the people
business naturally started to grow
without her actively trying to start it,
she thought about how dōTERRA had
Yuki says, “I was impressed by seeing
the great results of the dōTERRA such wonderful products and how
products, so I signed up.” they are truly helping people, and she
realized that this business venture
she is sharing with. As she has, she has
also seen the benefits of the business
in many aspects of her life. She has
helped inspire people to manage their
health more naturally, and has also
been able to free herself of the many
was worth embarking on. frustrations she experienced in her
life and her knowledge of the oils and When Yuki decided to fully invest to have increased her income through
their purpose continued to grow. It herself in the dōTERRA business, her dōTERRA, which allows her to care
was hard not to notice how effective upline leaders were there to guide and for the wellbeing of her family. With all
the products were, and Yuki naturally support her in any way she needed. Yuki of these positive changes in her life,
reached out to others to share the says, “I have always received enough she is glad she chose to pursue her
products that she knew could help support from my upline leaders. dōTERRA business.
Once she signed up with dōTERRA,
Yuki found uses for the oils in her daily
previous job. Above all, Yuki is happy
Enjoy Making Small
Efforts. Focus on
the Positives. Be
Considerate. Make Follow-Up
a Priority.
“I feel the benefits of the
products are greater than
the compensation plan,
so I don’t talk about the
compensation plan unless
people ask me about it.
My motto is to enjoy doing
small efforts every day,
and I try to share that
with others.” “I try not to focus on the
weaknesses of my team
members, but rather,
I focus on the strengths
they have or improvements
they have made, and I
cheer them on.” “Everyone is in different
circumstances, so I try to
communicate with them
by trying to imagine
myself in their shoes.” “If people don’t understand
the goodness of the
products, they can waste
them. So it is important
to follow-up with them
about the products.”
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on