ARE YOU READY FOR Diamond Club ?
With the fall season of Diamond Club just around the corner , we want to help you feel as prepared as possible for your next business venture . By getting informed on the basics of Diamond Club , important dates , qualifications , new changes , and exciting incentives and benefits , you ’ ll be more than ready to take on the challenge .
Why should you do Diamond Club ? Diamond Club is a dōTERRAsponsored program uniquely designed for dōTERRA business builders like you . The program is created to help participants increase momentum in their businesses by establishing new leaders outside their local area and supporting and building their existing team with events and incentives . This widely successful program has given many the ability to rank advance and form lasting relationships with their team members , and you could be next !
“ The momentum and culture that Diamond Club created on our team continues to have a ripple effect .
Diamond Club is a season that creates momentum that carries your business to new levels . It was an absolute game changer for us !” — Dana Moore ( Presidential Diamond )
How do you know if Diamond Club is right for you now ? “ You must be willing to make some short-term and long-term sacrifices to help you achieve the level of success you desire — creating a momentum that achieves not just your dreams and goals , but the goals and dreams of your leaders as well . You must understand that although this is a four-month program , you should not stop the momentum that it has started creating . The finish line isn ’ t the last day of Diamond Club ; rather , the last day is the day that it has opened up new possibilities that we must keep heads and hearts up and working toward .” — Jessica Iddings ( Presidential Diamond )
What You Need to Prepare We want to make sure that each participant is prepared to make the most of their Diamond Club experience . In order to achieve this goal , aspiring participants must reach the following qualifications during the month of June .
• Achieve Silver rank or higher
• Personally enroll 3 new Wellness Advocates or new Wholesale Customers with an initial order of 100 PV or more
• 10 people on LRP , 5 in home area , 5 in one away area
• Have at least one Diamond Club sponsor