Diamond Club?
With the fall season of Diamond Club
just around the corner, we want to help
you feel as prepared as possible for
your next business venture. By getting
informed on the basics of Diamond
Club, important dates, qualifications,
new changes, and exciting incentives
and benefits, you’ll be more than ready
to take on the challenge.
Why should you do Diamond Club?
Diamond Club is a dōTERRA-
sponsored program uniquely designed
for dōTERRA business builders like
you. The program is created to help
participants increase momentum in
their businesses by establishing new
leaders outside their local area and
supporting and building their existing
team with events and incentives. This
widely successful program has given
many the ability to rank advance and
form lasting relationships with their
team members, and you could be next!
Diamond Club is a season that creates
momentum that carries your business
to new levels. It was an absolute game
changer for us!”
—Dana Moore (Presidential Diamond)
How do you know if Diamond Club is
right for you now?
“You must be willing to make some
short-term and long-term sacrifices to
help you achieve the level of success
you desire—creating a momentum
that achieves not just your dreams and
goals, but the goals and dreams of your
leaders as well. You must understand
that although this is a four-month
program, you should not stop the
momentum that it has started
creating. The finish line isn’t the
last day of Diamond Club;
rather, the last day is
the day that it has
opened up new
that we must keep heads and hearts up
and working toward.”
—Jessica Iddings (Presidential Diamond)
What You Need to Prepare
We want to make sure that each
participant is prepared to make the
most of their Diamond Club experience.
In order to achieve this goal, aspiring
participants must reach the following
qualifications during the month of June.
• Achieve Silver rank or higher
• Personally enroll 3 new Wellness
Advocates or new Wholesale
Customers with an initial order of
100 PV or more
• 10 people on LRP, 5 in home area,
5 in one away area
• Have at least one Diamond
Club sponsor
Once Wellness Advocates have met
these qualifications during the month of
June, they can complete the application
for Diamond Club.
Club participant will have the
opportunity to get additional incentives
that will allow new members to receive
free products and
LRP points.
How Diamond Club Can Support
You and Your Team
Diamond Club offers special incentives
that will provide resources to help you
develop new leadership teams outside
your area of influence. One of these
incentives includes the reimbursement
program. Through the reimbursement
program, dōTERRA and Diamond
Club sponsors help participants
pay for travel expenses.
Another benefit of the
Diamond Club is new
enrollee incentives.
Each new enrollee
under a Diamond
Your Chance to Win a Sourcing Trip
The top winners from fall Diamond
Club will have the unique opportunity
to accompany Emily Wright on a
sourcing trip. Each winner will be able
to visit dōTERRA partner growers and
distillers to learn how essential oils are
grown, harvested, and distilled.
This trip, specific to Diamond
Club, will allow participants to
see firsthand how the oils they
share are changing lives from
the moment the seed is
What’s New with
Diamond Club:
• R
educed mileage:
Participants are now
required to travel a
minimum of 50 miles
rather than 75 miles.
• Flight reimbursements:
Flight reimbursements
have been increased to
$300 per trip.
“The momentum and culture that
Diamond Club created on our team
continues to have a
ripple effect.
• Q
ualification month: June
• A
pplication deadline:
July 7th
• S
tart date: August 1st
• E
nd Date: November 31st
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.