Giada Hansen
ife in New York was busy for Giada Early on, Giada was motivated to do well that not only made her a better person,
Hansen. Between working as an in the business, but realized something but also a better leader.
actress, a fitness model, and a life very important she had to do first. She
coach, there was little time to take says, “You’ve got to be willing to let go
breaks. But when Giada’s rapid lifestyle of the things that are no longer working
started to take a toll on her health, she in your life in order to have the life you
knew she needed to make a change.
Not willing to become reliant on certain
methods of relief, Giada turned to her
dear friend and Wellness Advocate,
Zia Nix, for a more natural solution.
Zia shared dōTERRA essential oils with
Giada, and after two weeks, Giada says,
“I noticed that I had a real increase in
energy, and I could focus.”
dream about.” She took this to heart
and decided to part with relationships
in her life that were cutting her down
and not supporting her. This helped her
break free from unneeded negativity.
She also chose to change her attitude
about receiving, and allowed others to
help her when she really needed it. This
openness to receiving help from her
Giada views self-development as a must
and has attracted people to her team
who are equally committed to changing
themselves to reach goals and serve
others while being in Joy. She says,
“We’re all committed to growing and to
becoming better people who can impact
the planet. We have an unwavering
sense of honesty developed so we have
very clear communication. We take a
stand for each other. And that’s because
of the personal development.”
friends and upline allowed her to make When Giada first started her business, it through Diamond Club and difficult her Why was simply to pay rent. She financial situations that occurred along also dreamed of eventually moving Whys to hold space for their dreams,
the way. And lastly, she began a spiritual to California, which she was able to as she knows that the more they
in Los Angeles, she came back to New practice, replaced her fears with faith, do. Now, her Why is so much bigger; succeed, even more people’s lives will
York and found a few checks from and put her future into God’s hands, she is collaborating with non-profit be transformed. Giada’s efforts and
dōTERRA in the mail. The fact that she thanking Him constantly for the help organizations to aid victims of human determination in her dōTERRA business
could make money while she was gone she knew He was providing. By giving up trafficking. Along with her aspiration are truly making the difference for
was a surprise to her, and she told the belief that she had to do it all alone to create a safe world for children, her people near her and around the globe.
herself that from that point on she was and embracing the new changes, she team has become part of her vis