Leadership Magazines doTERRA Essential Leadership Magazine 27 Anderson | Page 20

Tasha ’ s journey with dōTERRA has resulted in immense personal development . While she has previous business experience , Tasha believes this opportunity is like no other . “ It ’ s unique and pushes you further — if you let it . You end up having the choice at every stage to grow or to stay , and I naturally desire to grow .” This growth has applied not only to her business , but to her personal relationships as well . She explains , “ Over the last four years , God has truly used this business to intertwine my life journey . I have learned to patiently honor , respect , and value the journey within my personal relationships as well as business relationships more than ever . It ’ s in relationships where we grow the deepest and are challenged the most to become all we are created to be .”
Along with personal growth and relationships built through dōTERRA , Tasha is also grateful for the financial and time freedom she has found . Her family has been dealing with a personal family crisis over the past year , and Tasha was also in a major car accident this year . Thanks to her business ’ s success , she has been able to focus on her family and heal without the stress of finances . These blessings push her to share the dōTERRA opportunity with others . She says , “ The time and financial freedom is real , so I can ’ t help but share it with those who are ready to listen and make the jump into it as well .” Now , one of Tasha ’ s greatest goals is to see her team advance .
Throughout it all , Tasha remains committed to honoring the journey — her own journey , her family ’ s journey , and her leaders ’ journeys . “ It ’ s a huge and deep journey we are on , and it has taught me so much .”
“ No matter the circumstances that life throws at me , I have learned to grow through them , keep my eyes on the goal , and allow God the space needed .”

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AM I WILLING TO GROW ? “ Am I willing to be challenged ? Am I willing to follow what works ? Am I willing to be mentored and grow in all areas of my life ? Am I willing to reach the edge of my fears and turn it into an opportunity to thrive ? Am I willing to stand in the face of my mindsets and belief systems that have held me back to this point ? This business will do that .”
AM I BEING PRODUCTIVE , OR AM I JUST BUSY ? “ I wanted to be sure my moments were lived with intention so that the freedom I now have with my family didn ’ t come with any regret . I set up strict boundaries with my business and my family . Being a wife and mother has always been my top priority , and this business will always be here — they won ’ t , and neither will their sacred moments . My business still grew well within these boundaries while honoring my family .”
AM I CLEAR ON MY PURPOSE ? “ Being led through the Why exercise as a Premier has grounded me in the other areas of life and given me the courage to hold on to the bigger picture as we honor the journey itself of getting there . Take the time to sink deep in your purpose , and it will motivate you to hold fast through the tests and trials necessary to grow into who you are meant to be to handle the purpose God has given you in this amazing life .”
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 11