Leadership Magazines doTERRA Essential Leadership Issue 25 Ovens | Page 60

Marie-Kim Provencher Quebec , Quebec , CA


“ Diamond Club helped me become a leader who comes from a place of love . I found that when you are serving , success comes easily because your intentions are true , and people can feel it .”
Marie-Kim ’ s Tips for Success :
1 . “ Start strong the first month , and LRP should be your focus .”
2 . “ Explain the points system to your frontline so they work with you . It will be helpful to them as they might do Diamond Club after you . Make them part of your success .”
3 . “ Don ’ t think about the money you are spending ; it ’ s an investment .”
4 . “ Try not to focus on the Fast Start you are not making . Unilevel is much more important .”
5 . “ Give your all — soul and body .”
Marie-Kim Provencher started Diamond Club with both feet running . She knew that Diamond Club would be a great opportunity to increase momentum in her business and was ready to give it all she had . Though , momentum was not the only motivating factor pushing her to the finish line . By the time she started Diamond Club , Marie-Kim already had solid builders , but she hoped that her participation in Diamond Club would help solidify their teams as well . She made it her highest priority to serve her team as much as she could .
During her Diamond Club sprint , it became apparent to Marie-Kim that she was not on her journey alone but was surrounded by cheerful supporters on the sideline . She says , “ My daughters were very supportive and would cheer me on saying , ‘ You can do it , Mommy ! People need you , and you can help them .’ My team and their spirit really made it possible for me . I can rely on them , and they are relentless , wonderful leaders who are all in . I felt so blessed .”
Even though the experience had many positive moments , Marie-Kim found that one of the biggest challenges was staying focused on the finish line . Especially in the last month of Diamond Club , Marie-Kim was physically exhausted , but she decided that no matter how hard it got , she needed to keep going for herself and , most importantly , for her team . She says , “ I felt I needed to show an example of never giving up , even in hard times . When you show that you are giving your all to your team and their success , you are serving them . So I kept my head up straight through the finish line . When you have a team who is watching you grow , don ’ t let them down . They ’ ll follow your steps .”
Though Marie-Kim experienced difficult moments during her journey , she felt that the long-term results far outweighed the short-term challenge . She says , “ Diamond Club solidified my roots . It gave me the chance to work with a few levels under my frontline , and I got to know them and understand their Whys and their dreams . They inspired me so much . I felt I was helping them , and they were so open to everything I could say or do to help them . Without Diamond Club , I would probably have never met those wonderful people this way .”
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