Jessica : We definitely love the personal aspect of it , and we try not to be too unapproachable or too high up that people don ’ t feel like they can come to us . Yes , we obviously want leaders in place , but if someone doesn ’ t have an active leader , we want people to know we are here . I don ’ t care how far down they are . I actually think it ’ s awesome when I get a message from someone 8 , 9 , or 10 levels down , and I ’ m like ,
Presidential Diamond Tips Getting into the Right Mindset we get to go out and kick the soccer ball and throw a football around , we get to bring them to school and pick them up , and we get to be there for our kids . We are present in each other ’ s lives and in our kids ’ lives . That ’ s what our dream life looks like . And since making the transition , our love for each other has grown immensely .
Jessica : We truly enjoy and love each other . We are not just co-existing in a home . Our love is solid . We ’ ve had to overcome a lot , and our boys used to cry every single night when Clay would call from work and say goodnight on the phone . Now , about 90 percent of the time we are tucking our kids into bed , and that ’ s awesome . It ’ s like everything is at our fingertips .
LEAD BY EXAMPLE . “ I think that Jessica is really good at leading by example . You never stop because it ’ s not worth it to stop .” -Clay
PRESS ON AND DREAM BIG . “ It is important to dream big for yourself and have a vision for your team so that their dreams and yours come to fruition . Live full out . Be limitless . Be extraordinary .” -Jessica
ENCOURAGE OTHERS . “ I want to see everyone who wants it , get it . I would love for someone to outrank us and push us farther . Being a leader , you want to see everybody else be able to live their dream life .” -Clay
FIND WHAT YOU ’ RE WILLING TO SACRIFICE . “ When building your business , find what you are willing to sacrifice and sacrifice it when needs be . For those things that you don ’ t want to sacrifice , stand firm .” -Jessica
“ Absolutely we will help ” because I think it is so amazing that they were willing to reach up and ask .
How has this business influenced your family life ?
Clay : When Jessica got started in this , we had two young boys . I was a fourth-generation paper maker working at a paper mill , and then these oils came along , and we had success with it . There came a time when I put in my two weeks ’ notice , and I joined Jessica . By doing that , we sacrificed stability . To me , that job was the future and was what I was going to do until I retired . We sacrificed and went all in with dōTERRA because we believed in it . Now , we are together , we are with our kids ,
What has been key to your success ? Clay : I believe that part of the reason why we ’ ve been so successful in this business is because we have a successful marriage . We communicate , we bounce ideas off of each other , we listen to each other , and we support each other in our decisions . I think a huge part of our progress in this business was when we decided to go all in because we were able to be in it together and work through it .
Jessica : We see each other ’ s strengths . When I have self-doubt in one area , he ’ ll encourage and support me , and I ’ ll do the same for him . Once you are a support to each other , you can just go for it because you ’ re fully rooting for each other .
Some people find it difficult to believe they could ever reach Presidential Diamond . What would you suggest to them ? Jessica : It ’ s worth it for time freedom . It ’ s worth it for family freedom . It ’ s worth it for more family time to achieve goals that you never thought were possible . And it ’ s worth it to see how many lives can be empowered by one simple drop . So don ’ t settle for mediocrity ; choose excellence . I think whenever I hear someone say , “ I don ’ t think I can ,” they need to dive into personal development and reflect and read about letting fear go because fear can drive your life .
Clay : Fear and anxiety come from past experiences . If you have fear that no one is ever going to show up to your class , that is because someone hasn ’ t showed up to a class before . When Jessica would come home from a class that no one new had shown up to , I would just tell her , “ That ’ s okay , you planted seeds , and those seeds have been planted in water , and one day , those seeds will grow ,” and they did . People need to get out of their heads and realize that they have to be in the present rather than looking to the anxiety of the future or feeling the fear of the past . Just be in the present , and do your thing . If anyone is having doubt that Presidential Diamond is out of reach and that they can ’ t do it , they ’ re wrong . It is absolutely in reach . Anybody has the ability to do this and to reach high — Presidential Diamond and beyond . They just need to believe in themselves and find people that believe in them also .
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