Allison Cochran Kanata , Ontario , CA
“ I suggest that anyone building a dōTERRA business do Diamond Club . It is an experience like no other .”
Allison Cochran had been through a terrible year . Her daughter had a traumatic and life-changing brain injury , her oldest son had an accident and was injured , her daughter got burnt from a fire , and her mother became seriously ill . With so many unfortunate events , Allison was so busy with different appointments and treatments that she could no longer be in the massage room making an income . The only check that she was receiving was from dōTERRA . Later in the year , once things seemed to be calming down , Allison went back to massage therapy . However , her hope of building her income again through massage was quickly crushed when a past injury flared up . After this , she knew she could not go back to massaging right away , so she pursued her dōTERRA business with purpose .
Sharing oils more actively opened doors for Allison and allowed her to meet more people and share the products she had come to love . She says , “ I loved teaching and sharing about the oils . I started to travel and build outside of my immediate area , and the next thing I knew , I had already started to do the Diamond Club activities .” After going to a dōTERRA-sponsored event and listening to previous Diamond Club participants talk about their experiences , Allison was able to knock down her excuses and fears of joining Diamond Club .
Allison did Diamond Club twice , and each time she participated , she got closer to Diamond and learned valuable lessons . She found three tactics to be especially helpful during her Diamond Club experience . First , she made sure to schedule classes at each class . Second , she did not expect instant results . Instead , she focused on planting seeds and nurturing them . And third , she looked at every opportunity as potential for her to grow and serve others . Ultimately , each of these steps helped her find greater peace with herself and how she was helping others within her business .
Even though it was difficult at times , Allison has seen a great payout individually , in her team , and in the success of her business . She says , “ Because of Diamond Club , I can see my limiting beliefs and blocks . I have been able to develop my business and teaching skills and form strong relationships even outside my local area . My team knows that I ’ m not just selling oils , but I am creating a supportive experience . They know that they can reach out to me and that I can help point them in the right direction . I have also had to step up in my own personal development and have realized how beneficial this has been for me in every area of my life . I feel like I am a different , better version of myself .”
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 29