Leadership Magazines doTERRA Essential Leadership Issue 24 | Page 20


What We Always Wanted


Jessica Ryan


In desperate need to help her son , Jessica Ryan began researching to find something that would aid him in his time of need . This pursuit opened her eyes to different food diets that had the potential to help , and eventually served as a springboard on her path to natural wellness . Jessica noticed that these clean-eating diets were a step in the right direction , but still looked for additional support .

When a trusted friend of 15 years suggested that Jessica use dōTERRA oils for her son , she tried them with him and couldn ’ t believe that they actually worked . She says , “ The first week we tried them on my son , I just stood back in awe , and my husband and I were just kind of waiting for the bottom to drop out . We were thinking there would be a placebo effect or something of that nature , and there wasn ’ t . Instead , the oils were beneficial for him .”
After this realization , Jessica began to use the oils at home and on the soccer field and people started asking questions . Jessica says , “ It was a natural progression for me to get into the business because I wasn ’ t really selling it , I was just using it .” She soon received some help from her upline and other leaders , and her business took off within the first couple workshops .
Starting the business has allowed her to stay at home with her children and has given her a chance to teach again . Jessica was a science teacher before she had her children and missed being able to teach what she loved . Now , she is able to teach and use her background of science to help others learn about the scientific benefits of oils in her classes and workshops .
Jessica ’ s love for the oils and her business have helped numerous people , especially her family . She says , “ My family are huge oil users . There isn ’ t a night that someone isn ’ t putting oils in the diffuser or using them in some shape or form .” Even her husband and his crew at the TV show he works on use essential oils . She has been grateful for the support of her children and husband through this journey . During the easy and hard times alike , she has found that her husband has always been there to motivate , encourage , and uplift her .
Joining dōTERRA has truly been lifechanging for Jessica and her family . Not only has she seen a positive outcome for her son , but she has experienced many other blessings as well . She says , “ This business has provided us with much more family time to be together , and it ’ s really given us financial freedom to spend more time with our kids and less time hustling . That ’ s always been something that we wanted .”


“ It is important to reach out to your customers , not always using texts or emails but a phone call or a handwritten note . These things let people know that you care about them and that you are there for them and not just selling them something and walking away .”
“ You ’ ve got to be organized with what you are doing . You need to have some sort of system in place that works for you , and you have to set aside time for dōTERRA . Make sure the time you use is not a waste ; have activities that really bring new customers to the table and will help you get out there .”
“ My whole market was gone . I had everybody I knew using oils , and I needed to find fresh new faces . I created a niche and have been working with seniors in nursing homes and assisted living centers . I have really enjoyed this . Find something you love , and figure out how to advertise it . If you do what you love , you can ’ t help but be successful .”
“ Try to know more about oils than what they do for you . Having a background in teaching science , I have found that people like my credentials in the field because they want to know more . They want to know what sets us apart . Being able to explain the simple differences in chemistry between the oils you get at the store and dōTERRA is important .”
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