Focus on helping people . “ Figure out what your customers need and what your team needs . As long as they feel like you care about them and that you are trying to do what ’ s best for them , they will respond well .” – Alan
Look to people you admire . “ I think it is helpful to look to people that you admire and see what they are doing . Seek their advice and guidance when you encounter hurdles , and ask them for suggestions .” – Cheryl
Realign your focus . “ If you ’ re focusing on how hard something is , it ’ s going to be hard . Instead of focusing on all of the minutia , focus on what you want . Reframe your thinking . You are going to find things to support whatever you are focusing on . If you start thinking , ‘ This is really easy , effortless , or fun , and I ’ m enjoying the journey while learning and growing ,’ then you are going to find things that support that positive thinking .” – Cheryl
Create sharing relationships . “ In order to share oils with somebody , you first have to develop a connection with them . You can ’ t just offer an oil to somebody that you don ’ t have any sort of relationship with yet . It ’ s forming a relationship that is strong enough that makes the sharing part work .” – Alan
Remember self-care . “ Self-care is imperative because if we are not taking care of ourselves , then we can ’ t do what we need to do to take care of other people . It is so important to keep our cup full so that we can stay positive and have that love , joy , and enthusiasm overflowing .” – Cheryl doterra . com 9