FlippenGroup.com), we can expect that
most marginalized students will become
connected. We know school connected-
ness is related to adolescent mental health,
and other health risk factors such as injury
to oneself or others. Therefore, it should be
a priority for everyone in a school to know
how to create kid connections. If it can be
done in prison, then it can certainly be done
in our classrooms.
As we define the cultures of our class-
rooms and schools, we ultimately define the
culture of our society. Most of us are failing
at this great task. Our school leaders, princi-
pals, union heads and superintendents must
all ask, “What are the acceptable behaviors
we expect from our education profession-
als that we will do everyday with fidelity?”
And, we must agree they must be modeled
by each of us. What are the behaviors that
lead to a civil society, and how will we make
this a normal way of doing business on our
campuses? If we fail, what are the behaviors
we will teach our kids about conf lict and
Youth. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services; 2009.
Festinger, L. A Theory of Cognitive Dis-
sonance. Stanford University Press. 1957.
Grossman, D. On Killing: The psychol-
ogy costs of learni ng to kill in war and soci-
ety. Back Bay Books. 2009.
Resnick, M. Journal of American Medi-
cal Association. Bearman, P. S.; Blum, R.
W.; Bauman, K. E.; Harris, K. M.; Jones,
J.;Tabor, J.; Beuhring, T.; Sieving, R. E.;
Shew, M.; Ireland, M.; Bearinger, L. H.;
Udry, J. R. Vol. 278 No. 10. September 10,
1997. Adolescent Health Program, Univer-
sity of Minnesota.
Flip Flippen is the founder and chairman of
the Flippen Group
Connected kids are happier, healthier
and more productive people. And when we
win their hearts, we also win their minds.
Then, we all win.
If we will do these things, if we have the
will to do what we know to do, then we will,
in fact, become a people of great moral fab-
ric with the ability to face the challenges
rapidly approaching our society. Ultimately,
the question each of us must answer is not
will we, but do we have the will to do it and
if so, then let’s get started.
Bandura, A. Social foundations of
thought and action: a social cognitive the-
ory. Prentice-Hall. 1986.
Gillett, R., Baer, D. Business Insider.
Monday, 1 May, 2017. www.independent.
ful-children-13-things-in- common-list-
Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention. School Connectedness: Strategies
for Increasing Protective Factors Among
September | October 2018