Leadership magazine Sept/Oct 2018 V48 No. 1 | Page 34

When our belief systems and our behaviors are in conflict , it creates mental discomfort that causes us to seek resolution . For example , if legislators , administrators and teachers say , “ Our schools are safe ,” however , fatal shootings continue to occur in schools , it creates anxiety which negatively impacts all learning to some degree . Do we not have enough evidence by now to be able to identify potential threats by observing student at-risk behaviors and provide the appropriate intervention ? If a student is disconnected with an appropriate adult at home or school and is struggling socially by being bullied or put down in both environments , he may eventually feel compelled to modify or eliminate one of the truths . This may result in an act of aggression against others or a suicide . These behaviors should be observable by teachers and administrators . However , I have not read of a school shooting by a student or former student that was expected . Everyone is surprised initially . Only after examining the facts and evidence leading up to the shooting does our reflection create clarity .
34 Leadership
The most recent Valentine ’ s Day school shootings in Broward County , Florida , where 17 lost their lives in a seemingly random act of violence , may fit the connectedness , or lack thereof , research scenario , as do most school shooting perpetrators . The shooter , who attended the school previously , had a history of violence . Most of us would probably agree that he wasn ’ t born violent . Then , it must have been an acquired behavior . How did he , and other school shooting perpetrators , get to a place mentally that resulted in the taking of innocent lives ? The Resnick study may shed some light on the causal factors . One indicationis that he did not have a significant appropriate adult in his life at home and at school . Over time , the lack of relational capacity with a mature , responsible adult , while being exposed to bullying tactics , put downs and traumatized experiences , may have led to mental health issues , which eventually gave rise to a culminating act . Evidence suggests he was exposed to violent family behaviors and he exhibited violence as a teen at school , which obviously was not corrected in loco parentis ( in the place of the parent ). For teachers to act in the place of the parent , they must treat their students like their own children , i . e ., teach them respect for themselves and others , provide a work ethic , exhibit grit , take responsibility for their actions , provide future vision and follow their instruction ( Gillett , R ., Baer , D ., 2017 ). This is the real achievement gap in schools .
We can also assume his self-talk about his life probably wasn ’ t very positive . In fact , recently released videos from the shooter ’ s cell phone proved he had planned the attack . He indicated the number of victims could be around 20 . He named the school and said everyone would soon know his name . He said he was done with being told he was an idiot ( among other put downs ). His protective factors against violence were virtually non-existent , therefore , he became marginalized . Were any of the factors he described known by school officials or teachers prior to the shootings ?
Marginalized kids can become random actors if parents or teachers ignore the early warning signs (“ My child is a troubled kid , even though he acts out violently at times , he would never hurt anyone .” – cognitive dissonance ). Most marginalized kids in schools have been taunted , disrespected , bullied or treated differently than we would want our own children treated . If we are unable or unwilling to create a caring and supportive environment for our children , why would we expect them to not act out in anger ? As heartbreaking and tragic as many of their actions are , kids still provide insights into their thoughts through their tone of voice , body language , facial expressions , appearance , etc . By getting to know each student and being observant , we can detect when a student behaves outside his or her norms . These are signals that they may need someone , like a teacher , to notice and step up . We can ask if everything is okay and try to create a supportive environment for them . If school leaders set the expectations for teacher and student behavior by modeling and engaging in a process that connects all students with their peers and supervising adults ( i . e ., Capturing Kids ’ Hearts and Lead Worthy the Course : adolescent curriculum ; www .