needed to be closed and fences that needed
to be raised. We strengthened policies to
identify one entry point for each campus and
a mechanism requiring an ID for every adult
entering the campus. Upon entering cam-
puses, IDs are scanned through a computer
database that informs office personnel if visi-
tors are listed on sex offenders’ databases or
other custom databases. At all the middle
schools, campus safety officers were hired
and trained. Their main job is to monitor
the campus and identify threats. Procedures
requiring each of the classroom doors to be
closed were established. Peep holes were also
placed on the doors of classrooms so that
students and teachers can see who is coming
to the door. Additionally, each of the middle
school campuses upgraded the surveillance
equipment in order to get up-to-date infor-
mation. These cameras can look at various
parts of the campus simultaneously and can
also help law enforcement with the investi-
gation of an incident.
2. Develop Protocols for Communi-
We found that communication is the key
at many levels. Communication to staff must
be clear, precise and transparent. Staff needs
to know exactly what is going on so that they
can make the appropriate decisions. If staff
does not know the nature of the emergency,
they can make decisions that can place s tu-
dents in danger. Communication with law
enforcement must also be precise. Law en-
forcement responds quickly and assertively
based on the information that they receive.
Staff members should recognize their role
and what needs to be said to law enforce-
ment. Lack of communication can cause
huge problems with identifying the perpe-
trators and valuable time can be lost. To that
end, protocols were developed and training
has been given to insure that staff members
are aware of how they must communicate
incidents. Office personnel have been given
scripts in order to know what to say to par-
ents when they call. Also, a duress system
was installed at all schools. A simple button
was placed in all schools in the district at a
relatively low cost. Pushing this button pro-
vides access to a security company which in
turn contacts emergency responders. People
are trained to only use the duress system in
the event of emergencies where they cannot
call 911.
Effective communication with parents
was also crucial. By using mass communi-
cation systems like Ed Connect, School
Loop, and mass text applications, parents
can be kept informed of the situation in
order to reduce panic. In our case, we used
multiple methods of communication to con-
nect with all families. This included letters,
emails, text messages and various opportu-
nities for face-to-face meetings. We devel-
oped template letters that principals were
able to adapt in emergencies, which fit most
situations. This allowed principals to quickly
send out messages as needed.
3. District Campaign - See Some-
thing, Hear Something, Say Some-
The ”See Something, Hear Something,
Say Something” campaign will go to scale
this year, but was implemented, in part, at
many OMSD schools last year. It is a simple
but clear message to students to emphasize
their responsibility to report anything that
they may consider dangerous and allow
school officials to investigate. At the schools
where this was implemented last year, stu-
dents reported various potentially harmful
situations to teachers, school administrators
and other adults. Parents were also encour-
aged to do the same. This school year, the
campaign will kick off by having all schools
open with signage at each of the campuses
and will include an assembly letting students
know the type of things that should be re-
ported. It is designed to inform, encourage
and empower students to take an active role
in keeping their school community safe and
prevent a tragedy. Videos were also devel-
oped to present and reinforce this message to
students, staff and community.
4. Other District Support
The district office needs to be a partner in
this work. Having district personnel help
confront outside issues can be a big support
to the site administrator. Managing angry
parents or dealing with the media can take
valuable time away from making sure the
September | October 2018