To Our Readers
Leaders pave the way for student outcomes
ACSA Executive Director
Wesley Smith
As we near the end of the school year and the start of summer vacation,
I’m evaluating the successes and challenges we have all faced this school
year. Like students, no two school years are alike.
Senior Director of Marketing and
Naj Alikhan
When evaluating the successes and challenges, I can always evaluate
the leadership skills I have learned and consider how they have helped me
grow and create stronger learning opportunities for our students.
Stephen D. Long
Production Coordinator
Emily Agpoon
Board of Directors
Holly Edds
Linda Kaminski
Vice President
Ron Williams
Vice President for
Legislative Action
Terri Rufert
Past President
Lisa Gonzales
Parvin Ahmadi, Ted Alejandre, Joe Austin,
Angel Barrett, Ana L. Boyenga, Daryl
Camp, Blanca Cavazos, Derrick Chau,
Juan Cruz, Timothy Gill, Craig Helmstedter,
Daniel Hernandez, Charles Hoffman, Linda
Hutcherson, Sue Kaiser, Lisa Ketchum,
Barbara Martinez, Christine McCormick,
Michael McCormick, Rafael Plascencia, Jay
Spaulding, Victor Thompson, Denise Wickham
Editorial Office
1029 J Street, Suite 500
Sacramento, CA 95814
916.444.3216 or 800.608.ACSA
Advertising Office
Diana Granger, ad sales rep
Subscription Information
Many of the skills I have learned over my career have come from
women in school leadership who have guided me with their mentorship
and a meaningful understanding of what it means to be a champion for students. That is why I
am so proud to have an issue of Leadership Magazine dedicated to women’s leadership and our
continued growth.
The first article in this issue comes from Dr. Cynthia Ho, who tells an inspiring story about
the challenges she faced as an immigrant and how her K-12 experiences led her to become a
So often we hear from our members about the barriers they’ve overcome on their paths to be-
coming school leaders. Dr. Trudy Arriaga, Dr. Stacie Stanley and Dr. Delores Lindsey assembled
a wonderful piece after meeting with dozens of leaders. Some of the experiences they talk about
are likely occurrences you have also experienced.
Dr. Cindy Petersen discusses how leaders are shaped by their experiences and how storytell-
ing can serve as a conduit to student advocacy.
Dr. Monica Peterson gives us five tips on how female leaders can confront stress on the job,
and Dr. Kirsten Olson gives readers strategies on how female leaders can own the value of their
One of ACSA’s most popular events is our Women in School Leadership Forum, which is
scheduled for Sept. 25-27 in Huntington Beach. This is one of the premier networking and ed-
ucational experiences designed to engage, enlighten, empower and connect women education
leaders from across the country.
If you are interested in attending, visit
Holly Edds
ACSA President
650.692.4300 or 800.608.ACSA
Leadership magazine (ISSN 1531-3174) is
published bi-monthly in September/October,
November/December, January/February, March/
April and May/June by the Association of Cali-
fornia School Administrators, 1575 Bayshore
Hwy., Burlingame, CA 94010. (USPS 282-740)
Annual subscription: $60; single copies $12
(includes state tax). Subscriptions outside the
U.S. add $20 ($80 total). Periodical postage
paid at Burlingame, California and additional
post offices. Articles and advertisements are the
expressions of the author(s) and advertisers and
are not statements of policy or endorsements of
ACSA. Postmaster: Send address changes to:
Leadership magazine, ACSA, 1575
Bayshore Hwy., Burlingame, CA 94010.
May | June 2019