To Our Readers
ACSA Executive Director
Wesley Smith
Emerging media can pave the way for student
growth and success
Senior Director of Marketing and
Our role as school leaders is to provide a healthy, safe learning environ-
ment for students where they have an opportunity to grow and flourish. It
is our responsibility to make sure students are given the tools they need to
become college and career ready.
Naj Alikhan
Stephen D. Long
Production Coordinator
Emily Agpoon
Board of Directors
Holly Edds
Linda Kaminski
Vice President
Ron Williams
Vice President for
Legislative Action
Terri Rufert
Past President
Lisa Gonzales
Parvin Ahmadi, Ted Alejandre, Joe Austin,
Angel Barrett, Ana L. Boyenga, Daryl
Camp, Blanca Cavazos, Derrick Chau,
Juan Cruz, Timothy Gill, Craig Helmstedter,
Daniel Hernandez, Charles Hoffman, Linda
Hutcherson, Sue Kaiser, Lisa Ketchum,
Barbara Martinez, Christine McCormick,
Michael McCormick, Rafael Plascencia, Jay
Spaulding, Victor Thompson, Denise Wickham
Editorial Office
1029 J Street, Suite 500
Sacramento, CA 95814
916.444.3216 or 800.608.ACSA
Advertising Office
Diana Granger, ad sales rep
Those tools include technology, which creates a challenge for all of us.
Having computers and tablets in our schools and in our classrooms are
great. But if we aren’t taking the time to use them effectively and not keep-
ing up on the latest apps, programs and trends, all those computers and
tablets simply collect dust.
Emerging media literacy is the focus of this edition of Leadership Magazine, and I think
every day serves as an opportunity for educators to leverage emerging media in a way that benefits
students and helps them grow. It helps all of us grow too, because it’s important to realize that
emerging media isn’t just social media.
In this edition, David Culberhouse from the San Bernardino County Superintendent of
Schools discusses Learning Communities and Scott Bailey of Desert Sands Unified School Dis-
trict focuses on making digital media work in school leadership.
Susan Denton is the principal at Standard Middle School, and she tackles the issue of social
media and the goal of using platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to promote your
Folsom Middle School science teacher Jonathon Robinette has an interesting view on the
impact of technology and students. Finally, Hacienda La Puente Unified School is using new
strategies to positively impact their students in emerging media.
We also have two members of ACSA staff who have contributed to this edition of Leadership
Magazine because of their expertise in emerging media platforms. Michael Kelly, who produces
our Emmy-nominated Every Student Succeeding video series, shares his thoughts on how you
can leverage video to tell your district’s story.
Darcy Totten has spent the past few years strengthening ACSA’s social media presence and
shares her insight on how district leaders can get their important messages out through platforms
like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
I hope you take some of what you learn in this edition of Leadership Magazine and apply it to
the work you do in service of our students.
Subscription Information
650.692.4300 or 800.608.ACSA
Leadership magazine (ISSN 1531-3174) is
published bi-monthly in September/October,
November/December, January/February, March/
April and May/June by the Association of Cali-
fornia School Administrators, 1575 Bayshore
Hwy., Burlingame, CA 94010. (USPS 282-740)
Annual subscription: $60; single copies $12
(includes state tax). Subscriptions outside the
U.S. add $20 ($80 total). Periodical postage
paid at Burlingame, California and additional
post offices. Articles and advertisements are the
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are not statements of policy or endorsements of
ACSA. Postmaster: Send address changes to:
Leadership magazine, ACSA, 1575
Bayshore Hwy., Burlingame, CA 94010.
Holly Edds
ACSA President
March | April 2019