Leadership magazine March/April 2019 V48 No. 4 | Page 31

in Skype-a-Thon 2018. The classes expe- rienced virtual field trips, one to a volcano crater in El Salvador and another to Crystal Cove State Park in California. Ms. Orth’s IB Spanish Class got to Skype, along with 20 other classrooms from around the globe, with a scientist from El Salvador from the volcano crater of El Boquerón Na- tional Park. Orth, the participating Spanish Teacher commented: "IB is about exposing kids to the world. What a wonderful oppor- tunity for students to experience learning through technology. Microsoft has given the opportunity for students to travel in "vir- tual miles" and at the same time engage stu- dents with issues of global importance such as environmental issues pressing our world today. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for my students!" At HLPUSD, Mr. Pilar’s 5th grade class at Baldwin Academy learned about the Tide Pool Ecology Program at Crystal Cove State Park with Park Ranger Francesca. This is an authen- tic learning experience that demonstrates the tandem nature of teachers working with tech- nology to create high leverage learning. of 21st century learning with teachers and students will require commitments from all stakeholders. These cases show that the technology for learning is here, it is just not used ubiquitously through districts. There are many needs and steps required to make these high leverage practices a system of learning tools. References “Solve for Tomorrow Students Rely on Samsung Tech to Complete STEM Projects”, https://news.samsung.com/us/samsung- solve-for-tomorrow-sft-students-tech-stem- projects/ Over Drive Online Digital Library Ser- vice, Hacienda La Puente Unified School District: https://www.hlpschools.org/Over- Drive The Apple II Desktop Computer, https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_II SAMR and the EdTech Quintet: A CAL LUTHERAN 1/2 PAGE ISLAND Moving forward In each of these cases, technology was used to create learning experiences. The SAMR model serves as a guide to how well technology is used to foster authentic, novel and high leverage learning. The duty of a teacher is to encourage, develop, and mo- tivate their students to learn. Through the progression of society, technology improves. These changes will inevitably impact schools and therefore learning. The obligation now is to foster learning in teachers to adopt, em- brace, and welcome the existing technology that foster high leverage learning. To get the most learning, teachers need to develop high leverage practices in their classrooms. Tech- nology and digital tools enable teachers to create authentic and novel learning experi- ences, where students work to develop their own learning. This type of learning used to be called a “Constructivist” approach to learning. To adopt the SAMR model, this type of learning would occur through the “redefinition” of technology for student learning and redefine the measurement of their learning. The bridge to allow this type March | April 2019 31