Leadership magazine Jan/Feb 2019 V48 No. 3 | Página 35

candidates to become leaders in providing trauma informed education for their school communities. There is also hope that this unique partnership between a credentialing institution and mental health organization may lead the way for more organizations to further explore opportunities for collabora- tion across sectors to address the complex needs faced by our schools and communities. References Reinke, W., Stormont, M., Herman, K., Puri, R., & Goel, N. (2011). Support- ing Children’s Mental Health in Schools: Teachers Perceptions of Needs, Roles, and Barriers. School Psychology Review, 26, 1-13. Sindelar, P. T., Dewey, J. F., Rosenberg, M. S., Corbett, N. L., Denslow, D., & Lot- finia, B. (2012). Cost Effectiveness of Alternative Route Special Education Teacher Preparation. Ex- ceptional Children, 79(1), 25-42. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2011, April). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from https://www.samhsa.gov/. Dr. Tamarah Tilos is the Assistant Director of Implementation with the Seneca Family of Agencies. Auletto, A. (2017, March 13). Bringing paraprofessionals to the front of the class- room. Retrieved September 14, 2018 from https://edwp.educ.msu.edu/green-and- write/2017/bringing-paraprofessionals-to- the-front-of-the-classroom/. Fensterwald, J. (2017, December 12). Big changes in requirements to become a special education teacher in California. Retrieved September 7, 2018, from https://edsource. org/2017/big-changes-in-requirements-to- become-a-special-education-teacher-in- california/591554. Freedberg, L. (2017, Februar y 20). Teacher shortages persist in California and getting worse in many communities. Re- trieved September 7, 2018, from https:// edsource.org/2018/teacher-shortages-per- sist-in-california-and-getting-worse-in- many-communities/593853. Freedberg, L., & Harrington, T. (2017, October 11). Special education in “deep trouble” and still needs reform, says Califor- nia ed board president. Retrieved Septem- ber 7, 2018, from https://edsource.org/2017/ california-education-board-president-says- special-ed-in-deep-trouble-and-needs-re- form/588436. Garcia, A. & Cook, S. (2017, June 2). K-12 teachers are disproportionately white and monolingual. Here’s one way that could change. Retrieved September 14, 2018. from http://www.slate.com/blogs/better_life_ lab/2017/06/02/paraprofessionals_can_ help_diversify_the_k_12_teacher_work- force.html. National Center for Mental Health Pro- motion and Youth Violence Prevention (2012). Childhood trauma and its effect on healthy development. National Clearing- house on Homeless Youth and Families. Bethesda, MD. January | February 2019 35