Leadership Academy 2013-14 LeadingAge New York Feb. 2014 | Page 23
Lisa Marcello
Refocusing Rehabilitation
(continued from page 22)
How has the action learning process in the context of the Leadership Academy experience
contributed to your growth as a leader?
The Leadership Academy experience has helped me to better understand myself and the many aspects of building meaningful and
effective relationships with others. The Action Learning Project created the opportunity to address a specific area of focus and
practice what I am learning. This creates concrete outcomes, but also a foundation for continued learning and development of
important leadership skills.
It has become clear to me that leadership is not a prescribed program but more about learning about yourself and the impact you
have and can have on others. It is really about the positive influence you have on others and the ability to guide a person or group of
people with common understanding to meaningful outcomes.
A special thank you to LeadingAge New York members for hosting the
IGNITE Leadership Academy during 2013-2014:
Weinberg Campus, Getzville
St. John’s Home, Rochester
Baptist Health System, Glenville
Wartburg, Mt. Vernon
IGNITE Leadership Academy Action Learning Project 2013-14