Leaders City Office Listings - 4th December 2013 Dec. 2013. | Page 37

Thorndon 58 Pipitea Street The Mews - Central Thorndon RV $650,000 Open Time Sunday 1st Dec 1pm to 1.30pm. The Best Location!! The Mews offer the perfect solution for busy urban dwellers and those wanting to capitilise on the unique zoning arrangement. This versatile townhouse is also coded as #mixed use of space # giving the owner a rare opportunity to use for a business#perfect for clients with Wellington CBD just a stroll away. The spacious floor area (160sqm) includes two separate living areas giving options for use for Deadline Sale 3 2 1 Cheryl Barber 0274 999 774 ID: 48898 RV: $650,000 LV: $180,000 Floor: 160 m² Rates: $2647.9 Thorndon 12 Frandi Street CITY CHARMER - RV $660 000 It is an easy stroll to the city from this charming beautifully maintained 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home. With expansive harbour views,terraced gardens and carpad this family home will appeal to those that value character homes. Open home Sunday or Call Colin to view 027 447 3745. Deadlin H?[B????????[????? ?? M ??M? B?Q? ?L????? ?? ??? L ?[?? ?L?p??????? MLp??????? H?????Y]???US???US???US???][????YH?H?[??H???\??]H??H???[[??????[?\???Y]?\?\?[Y?[??YK?Y??[?H\?H???[????H?[??[????\?H?]??\?X?\?H[?K??\??[?Y]????\??B?[?Z??H[?[??[?\??\????[??[???]Y?][?H??\?????H? ??????\?X[Y[?[?H??\??[?[?H?YY??????\?\???X]\?\?[??YN? ???\??Y???\? ???]?[??\?X\????]???[???\?\X?\? ???\\?]H??X[[?[?????H ?\??H?]?[? ????XY[?H?[B??????B???[??Y?\??]^B? ?KMMKM?L?Q?  ??B???? K ???  ? ?[?? ? ?p??????? ??p????]\? MN ? B??\\?] ??YH[?[?Z[????Y?]?[??[?\?[?H?]H[??\??Y[? H?S? ?L ?[?]?\??[??[???[Z[H?YK?X]Y?B??[???Y?[[???\??]X????ZY??]?[[???H?X?X?[\??YX???\???[?Z]?[??\?^?\[?[?YH\??Y[??????X?Y?HY?\?]X[]HX]\?X[??XZ[?Z[?Y[\X??X?H[??[??YHB??[??YH?X\??\?[??H???\?Y??YH]?[??[?B??]\?K?H?X\?\?Y??\?H]\??Y?YB?Y?\?[H??[?]Z[]H[?\?[?H?]B?[??\??Y[?[????Y?\? ?YX\??\???\?Y???????^Y\?[?]Z\?H?\? ?L ????????\???Y??? ?? M M L???Q?  L???? ML ??? LM? ?[?? ?Hp??????? ??p????]\? ?LL??B???K?PVXY\???X[\?]H NN ?HX?[??Y[?\??PPH ?  HX?\?Y? X?[X?\? ? L??[H?H]?HZ?[??\?H???\[H\??ZYH???H?[XX?H??\??\??H\?H[?X?H??X\?[?YHX??\?X?H[???H?[?\? ??????