Project title:
Development of the field for exercise
equipment and outdoor exercising
While purchasing and installing outdoor sports
equipment to promote physical activities and
their diversification for the inhabitants of Pāvilosta.
Implementer of the project:
Council of the Rural Territory of Pāvilosta
stadium of Pāvilosta, 107A Dzintaru Street,
Pāvilosta, rural territory of Pāvilosta
project coordinator Vizma Ģēģere, 63484561,
[email protected]
Total costs of the project:
EUR 16824.66
Public funding:
EUR 12514.20
About the submitter of the project in a nutshell:
Municipality of the rural territory of Pāvilosta is a municipality institution that was established
on 1 July, 2009. A rural territory of Pāvilosta was developed combining the rural territory of
Saka (that consisted from the rural municipality of Saka and town of Pāvilosta) and rural municipality of Vērgale. Town of Pāvilosta is the administrative centre of the rural territory. Rural
territory of Pāvilosta comprises 515 km2, but border with the Baltic sea of the rural territory
of Pāvilosta is 46 km. Number of inhabitants (declared persons) on to 25.08.2014 is 3004.
Project description:
Members of the non-governmental organisation of youth “From idea to development” came
up with the concept of creating the outdoors sports equipment field. Brainstorm where organised were youngsters could express their opinion what kind of outdoor sports equipment
they want to see in Pāvilosta. To make all the exercise equipment available for the inhabitants,
this equipment was placed in the stadium of the town of Pāvilosta with possibility to connect to
the electricity in order all sports equipment could be lit up and people could engage into sports
activities also when it is already dark outside. Within the implementation of the project 14
exercise equipment units were installed in total, including 7 outdoor exercise equipment devices that could be used by the people of various ages and 7 street exercising equipment devices
more appropriate for young people – street gymnasts. Total benefits of the project: 1) young
people from the rural territory of Pāvilosta pay more attention to physical activities and care
for their physical condition and shape, wherewith they less indulge into bad habits like drinking
and in total breaches in the behaviour of young people are reduced. 2) Not only young people
but people of various ages pay attention to their physical activities, therefore healthy lifestyle is
observed and promoted. 3) Old, damaged elements of street gymnastics were replaced with
new ones, therefore gua Ʌ