Sociālo pakalpojumu centra izveide Pāvilostas novadā
Establishment of social services centre in Social House “Ploce 23” in Pavilosta region
Projekta nosaukums / Project name
Kontakpersona / Contact
LV: Sociālo pakalpojumu centra izveide sociālā mājā “Ploce 23” zintara
apstrādes tradīcijas saglabāšana Pāvilostas novadā
ENG: Establishment of social services centre in Social House “Ploce
23” in Pavilosta region
Vizma Ģēģere
Adrese / Adress
“Ploce 23”, Vergale pagasts, Pāvilostas
novads, LV-3466
īstenotājs / Executor
tālrunis / elephone
LV: Pāvilostas novada dome
ENG: Pavilostas Regional Council
+371 63484561
Mob. tālr. / Mobile telephone
kopējās izmaksas / total costs
+371 29129385
Ls 12 596,00
E-pasts / e-mail
Publiskais finansējums / public funding
[email protected]
Ls 7694,68
Sociālo un sadzīves pakalpojumu pieejamības attīstība un esošo uzlabošana
Description of the applicant
The executor of the project is local municipal institution – Pavilosta Regional Council, established in
1 July, 2009. In accordance with Law on Administrative Territories and Populated Areas, by merge
of Saka region (Saka region consisted of Saka region and Pavilosta town) and Vergale parish, a region of Pavilosta has been created. Vergales parish
consists of the following populated areas: Vergale,
Bebe, Ploce, Ziemupe un Saraiki. Territory of Pavilosta region is 515 km2 wide with 3140 inhabitants. Municipality governs 24 municipal institutions.
Municipality is a shareholder of the following
companies: SIA Vergale Community Management
(LLC), SIA Pavilosta Utility (LLC) and SIA RAS-30
Liepājas rajona partnerība
Liepājas rajona partnerība
ial and consumer services, and improvement of the existing
Description of the project
Objective of the project is to promote availability
of social and municipal services in the Vergale parish of Pavilosta region as much as possible closer to
the place of residence. As a result of project implementation a social room or a place, where inhabitants may come and receive a social help, was established in Vergale parish, Ploce village. 202 poor
and low-income families from 293 in the total region of Pavilosta are located Vergale parish. While
80 of them are located in Ploce village. In Soviet
times mostly peatbog workers lived in Ploce. Most
of these inhabitants became unemployed by reduction of these works. The building Ploce 23, planned
within the project, is a social building, where 28
poor and low-income families with a need for social