LEAD October 2024 | Page 54

How long had Elizabeth and Zechariah begged God for a child ? How many times had they pleaded with God to do for them what they couldn ’ t do for them-selves ? Luke doesn ’ t include those details , but we can assume it was a long time based on the fact that they were , “ advanced in years ” ( Luke 1:7 ), which is a polite way of saying they were old .
Perhaps you ’ ve prayed about something for years — a prodigal child , a longing for a spouse , health problems , a desire to have children , a job change , financial difficulties , mental health issues — and it seems that heaven is silent . You ’ ve yet to see the fulfillment of your prayers in the way you ’ d hoped . If this is you , let the angel ’ s words to Zechariah be a balm to your weary soul : “ Your prayer has been heard ” ( Luke 1:13 ).
We ’ re all familiar with Paul ’ s words in Romans 8:28 : “ And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good , for those who are called according to his purpose .” If we truly believe those words , not just as a warm and fuzzy memory verse but as bedrock reality , then we know that