LEAD October 2024 | Page 39

FEELING CONFUSED OR OVERWHELMED LATELY ? IT HELPS TO REMEMBER : We are at war — and one of the enemy ’ s greatest tools is confusion . So let me remind you of the problem we face and the mission we embrace .
Every enemy of our minds traces back to a core problem , which is that a battle is being waged for our lives . Standing between us and victory is one of three barriers — or perhaps all three : the devil , our wounds , and our sin . Sometimes attack comes directly from Satan , and his strategy is obvious . He tempts with evil and punishes with suffering . Usually , however , he is sneaky . He tempts with successes and hypnotizes with comforts until we are numb to and apathetic about all that matters .
Sometimes the battle happens because we live in a fallen world . Circumstances befall us constantly that scream , “ Things are not as they should be !” Yet we tend to carry around deep hurt from our brokenness , rarely noticing it , and never dealing with it or healing from it .
But mostly the trouble we face in this life takes the form of sin . Specifically our sin — as in the stuff we do or don ’ t do .
Most of the time , you and I won ’ t be taken down by a massive demonic attack . Our own small choices are accomplishing everything the devil intends — our passivity and destruction — with zero effort on his part . Whichever thing comes against us , though , the bottom line is that we are at war !
To defend ourselves during this battle , we need to name the specific enemies we each are facing . When we employ the right weapons at the right time to overcome the enemy , we can enjoy renewed intimacy with Jesus and walk in greater freedom than we have before .
Whew . Big task . Thankfully for us : big God .
So name the lies that threaten you . Learn to spot the signs that you ’ ve been sucked into the enemy ’ s trap . Learn to fight the war against your mind . See what happens when you choose to shift your thoughts to God , to the truth of who He is , and to the truth of