LEAD October 2024 | Page 27

Kendall Palladino , “ Mother Teresa saw Loneliness as the Leprosy of the West ,” The News Times , April 17 , 2004 , www . newstimes . com / news / article / mother-teresa-sawloneliness-as-leprosy-of-the-250607 . php .
Rose McDermott , James H . Fowler , and Nicholas A . Christakis , “ Breaking Up Is Hard to Do , Unless Everyone Else Is Doing It Too : Social Network Effects on Divorce in a Longitudinal Sample ,” Social Forces 92 , no . 2 ( Dec 2013 ): 491-519 , https :// doi . org / 10.1093 / sf / sot096 .
See http :// EndgameBook . org and https :// communio . org /.
Adapted from Ministering to Families in Crisis ed . Jennifer S . Ripley , James N . Sells , and Diane J . Chandler . Copyright 2024 ed . Jennifer S . Ripley , James N . Sells , and Diane J . Chandler . Used by permission of InterVarsity Press . www . ivpress . com .
Jennifer S . Ripley ( PhD , Virginia Commonwealth University ) is professor of psychology , shares the Hughes Professor of Christian Thought and Mental Health , and codirects the Charis Institute at Regent University in Virginia Beach , Virginia . She is a licensed clinical psychologist and coauthor of Couple Therapy : A New Hope-Focused Approach .
James N . Sells ( PhD , University of Southern California ) is professor of counseling , shares the Rosemary S . Hughes Professor of Christian Thought and Mental Health , and codirects the Charis Institute at Regent University . He is a licensed psychologist , and his books include Family Therapies and Beyond the Clinical Hour .
Diane J . Chandler ( PhD , Regent University ) is associate professor of spiritual formation and leadership at the Regent University School of Divinity . She is the author of Christian Spiritual Formation : An Integrated Approach to Personal and Relational Wholeness . 27