LEAD October 2023 | Page 51

steps from your discussion . Create some simple goals and delegate assignments with clear deadlines . If possible , experiment with a pilot group that provides the team an opportunity to learn and adjust before they overhaul the entire children ’ s ministry . As the strategy is implemented , plan times for regular evaluation to assess progress and capture your learning . Two simple questions can help your assessment :
• What is working ?
• What can be improved ?
Submitted by Bill Mowry , July 17 , 2023 . You can contact Bill at alongsider . com . Some of this material is drawn from Bill ’ s book The Ways of the Leader : Four Practices to Bring People Together and Break New Ground .
At select moments , in select places , and with select people , an Idea Lab will boost motivation , create innovation , and increase ownership in relation to a business , ministry , or church . Idea Labs help people realize that their everyday work or ministry experiences are rich sources of wisdom and insight . When we intentionally mine the riches of this experiential wisdom , we unleash the expertise of the team to create local solutions to local challenges .
Bill Mowry is a veteran staff member with The Navigators . He holds an MA in education with an emphasis on adult education from The Ohio State University . His writing , coaching , and teaching draws from diverse ministry experiences to leaders on the college campus , in the marketplace , in the medical community , and with church leaders . Bill is passionate about helping people fulfill the Great Commission in relational , intentional , thoughtful , and creative ways . Bill is the author of The Ways of the Alongsider ( navpress . com ) and Walk with Me ( moodypublishers . com ). 51