LEAD October 2021 | Page 51

Gives Goals ldrep

Likewise , sitting outside that cabin , Butch shared the purpose our Heavenly Father had for him . He knew God wanted him to open a home for troubled boys . Not just another home , but one where they matched the personality types and personal skills of each boy with a career . He intended to get business leaders in that field to mentor each boy and , hopefully , by the time they were adults , they would be godly business leaders .
When we were in our mid-forties , our paths crossed again . Butch reaffirmed his purpose but hadn ’ t started the home . It was , he emphasized , just a matter of time .
Now , nearly 60 , Butch shared his vision again as we ate . He was as clear and as passionate as he was 40 years ago . I was excited for him . “ Butch , that ’ s great ! So tell me about the home . Where is it ? How many young men have been through the home ?” I waited with anxious anticipation for his response .
Butch looked at me , no smile on his face .
Silence .
Then , in a shy , embarrassed voice , Butch said , “ Well , we haven ’ t started it yet . But we will one day soon .”
Later that afternoon , I reflected on Butch and our conversation . Several times , he referred to