LEAD October 2021 | Page 27

“ Life is 10 percent what happens to me , 90 percent how I react to it .” We don ’ t get to choose what happens to us , but we do get to choose our attitude . Rather than take the bait and hand our thoughts or emotions over to fear , frustration , or anger ( even when warranted )– we can breathe . We can grab hold of perspective instead of surrendering our thoughts or perceptions to mindsight . Then , maybe we can come at whatever is hitting us from a foundation grounded in safety , provision , acceptance , and love – from God , rather than ever-shifting foundations .
Slowing down , breathing , and taking things a bit less personally offers freedom from frustration and freedom to respond with reason – even if the response is to ourselves , simply to settle our thoughts . Together we can grab some perspective lenses that just might give our thoughts a break , which might allow us to give others a break as well .
For all of us , it can be hard to recognize , let alone call out , thoughts that have gone rogue . The key is that we ’ re not alone , as in : we can help each other . Fresh eyes see more clearly . And honest assessments , though possibly painful in the moment , invite freedom . The more we call out mindsight mishaps together , the easier it gets to do it ourselves . Plus , strength lies in numbers . And new never need to walk alone . Wonky mindsight multiplies when we isolate ourselves . The hard part is parking our stubborn ways long enough to get help from others .
Kay Wyma is a mom , blogger , vodcaster , and author of four books in which she has tackled , with candor and humor , some of the troubling societal issues that impact us all . Kay ’ s writings have led herto appearances on TODAY , CNN , Hallmark ’ s Home & Family , and more . Before staying at home with her kids , she held positions at the White House and Bank of America . She lives in Dallas , Texas , with her husband and five kids . 27