LEAD October 2021 | Page 18

Get Off the Grid

Mark Batterson

With the Lord a day is like a thousand years , and a thousand years are like a day . II Peter 3:8
When the Russian comedian , Yakoff Smirnoff , immigrated to the United States , he was asked what he loved most about America . His answer ? American grocery stores . “ I walked down an aisle and saw powdered milk , just add water and you get milk . Right next to it was powdered orange juice , just as water and you get orange juice . Then I saw baby powder , and I thought to myself , what a country !” Instant everything . We wish , right ? We live in a culture that aims at fifteen minutes of fame rather than fifty years of faithfulness . We want the quick-fix . Even better , get-rich-quick . We are an instant gratification culture , and it ’ s evidenced by how frustrated we become with the smallest delays .
Case in point ? You ’ re about to board an airplane that will fly 500 mph at 30,000-feet , getting you all the way across the country in five hours flat , and you ’ re unbelievably frustrated by a fifteen-minute delay ! I get it , and I ’ m guilty as charged . But it beats a covered wagon , doesn ’ t it ? Traveling fifteen miles a day , it took a covered wagon six months to cross the country ! And there was no economy plus , I promise you that .
If you ’ re going to dream big , you need to start