LEAD June 2024 | Page 62

resonates profoundly : “ A dog barks when his master is attacked . I would be a coward if I saw that God ’ s truth is attacked and yet would remain silent .”
Like a faithful dog , we must bark when our Master ’ s truth is under assault . Silence in the face of such attacks is not only cowardice but a betrayal of our faith . It ’ s a call to courageously defend the truths of God against the encroaching darkness of societal norms that contradict His Word .
The stakes are high , not just for us but for future generations . If we acquiesce to societal pressures and fail to stand firm in our faith , what legacy will we leave for our children and grandchildren ? Our refusal to confront sin and injustice today may pave the way for their spiritual peril tomorrow .
Whether it ’ s advocating for the sanctity of
life , defending marriage as designed by God or resisting societal pressures that contradict the Bible , believers should courageously stand up for what aligns with biblical values . We are called to boldly champion God ’ s truth , whether in the public square or within our own personal circles — anywhere that integrity and adherence to Christian values are tested .
Remember this , however — never engage in civil disobedience without first asking the Holy Spirit to guide you . Examine your motives , evaluate the full context of the situation and realize that in the end , you won ’ t necessarily be popular for taking a stand , but God will be pleased if you do what ’ s right .
As we witness the erosion of moral values in our society , we cannot afford to remain passive spectators . The time for action is now . We are called to be agents of change — not