LEAD June 2024 | Page 58

gospel ” ( Mark 1:15 ). Even early elementary aged children can understand these deep theological truths .
Gospel Story Curriculum and the companion family devotionals , Long Story Short and Old Story New .
Paul commended the work of Eunice and Lois , Timothy ’ s mother and grandmother , who did far more than teach him catchy Sunday school tunes . They taught him the saving work of Christ through the Old Testament — deep stuff indeed ! Paul reminded Timothy of this when he said , “ from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings , which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus ” ( 2 Timothy 3:15 ). I ’ ve adopted this same goal in writing my books : acquainting children with the sacred writings able to make them wise for salvation .
I had one overarching goal in writing these resources ; to ensure that every lesson , whether from the Old Testament or the New , pointed to the cross . I wanted parents and teachers to sow the seeds of the gospel in the hearts of their children every week . As word spread , churches began asking to use our curriculum , and by the time New Growth Press published my work , two hundred churches were using what I had written . Nothing brings me greater joy than hearing the testimony of gospel seeds sprouting in children ’ s hearts through something I ’ ve written .
I didn ’ t set out to become a writer . At first , I was only working to meet a need at our church . The coordinators of our children ’ s ministry saw I had a knack for creating object lessons to teach gospel concepts and asked if I would create a curriculum for our children . I didn ’ t know what I was getting myself into . It took ten years to write the
Still , there are limits to our labors . We plant the seeds , but only God can make them grow ( 1 Corinthians 3:7 ). Like eager farmers , we watch over the field we ’ ve planted and entrust our labors to God . God promises that the gospel seed will return a harvest , for God ’ s Word will not return “ empty ” ( Isaiah 55:11 ). That is why it is so important to know