LEAD June 2024 | Page 49

her reactions in what is called gaslighting . Because she is not being physically attacked , she may not be able to explain the abuse to herself or to others .
From a clinical and objective standpoint , as a therapist who has seen the patterns of a lot of abusers , I can say this : Annie ’ s secret was a masterful power play .
Taken from You are Safe Now : A Survivor ’ s Guide to Listening to Your Gut , Healing from Abuse , and Living in Freedom by Tricia Lott Williford with Jana Richardso , MA , LPC , EMDR 2023 . Used by permission of NavPress . All rights reserved . Represented by Tyndale House Publishers , Inc .
Tricia Lott Williford is a writer , blogger , teacher , and co-host of the podcast Let ’ s Talk Soon with her brother Rob . A prolific writer and ghostwriter , Tricia is the author of many books . She lives in Colorado with her family . Jana Richardson , MA , LPC , and trained in EMDR , is a seasoned therapist with decades of expertise in counseling victims of trauma , grief , and addiction . Jana has presented internationally as a mental health educator with an emphasis in oncology . Jana lives in Colorado with her family .