Secondly , I believe that we must be Spiritled . Every family is different , and we must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide us in every situation . This can mean doing difficult things like allowing your child to suffer the consequences of their own actions . It may also mean drawing some tough boundaries , even when it ’ s painful . Other times , it can mean choosing not to say things we can ’ t take back . If we trust God , follow the leading of the Holy Spirit , and act out of love and not spite or anger , I believe God will use it for our good .
Lastly , let us never forget the greatest tool in our arsenal : prayer . After years of my wife and I carrying this burden seemingly alone , the Lord prompted us to reach out to some of our closest friends and confidants , share our concerns about Josh , and ask them to help us pray . Soon after they began praying with us , Josh called us , sobbing . He told us that the
Holy Spirit had come into His apartment and said , “ Because of the prayers that have been prayed for you , I ’ m going to set you free !” Instantly , Josh was changed , and God did a powerful work of deliverance in his life ! Josh went on to marry his wonderful wife , Carrie , have two beautiful sons , and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ until he passed away in 2021 .
I want to tell you that no matter how dark the valley seems or how impossible the situation looks , nothing is impossible with God ( Luke 1:37 )! Keep praying , believing , and declaring God ’ s Word , for “ it will not return to Him void ” ( Isaiah 55:11 ). God loves your children and wants to see them saved and delivered even more than you do . He has been a good , good Father far longer than we can comprehend , and if we trust Him and do things His way , we will see His goodness unfold . 44
Kent Christmas is the founding pastor of Regeneration Nashville in Nashville , TN , and Regeneration Nations , an organization for those in ministry to find fellowship , encouragement , fresh vision , equipping , and strength . He has been in full-time ministry for over fifty years , traveling extensively across the United States and abroad . Kent ’ s rise to national and international prominence came following a prophetic word he released at The Return in the fall of 2020 that went viral . His passion is to strengthen the local church body to be effective in spiritual growth , community impact , prayer , and prophetic understanding . He is a man of great faith and carries an anointing to preach the word with the demonstration of apostolic power . Kent and his wife Candy have been married for thirty-six years and are blessed with two sons , a daughter , and five beautiful grandchildren . His new book , Turning Sorrow Into Joy is available nationwide .