LEAD June 2024 | Page 42

How to Love Your Child in the Midst of Their Sin

Kent Christmas

When I was nine years old , I accepted the Lord as my Savior in my dad ’ s church in Taholah , Washington . The idea of “ God ” can oftentimes be ethereal and otherworldly to a new believer , especially a nine-yearold , but we come to identify with Him more personally with time . When I was twelve , my dad suddenly passed away after surgery just a few days before Christmas . Our whole world was instantly turned upside down . We had to move out of the parsonage , my mom fell into a deep depression , and my hero was gone . I had known “ God ,” but it was in this season that He became “ Father .”
I became a father in my mid-twenties , and my son , Joshua , brought so much healing to my heart . When Josh was eight , his mother and I divorced . I don ’ t have space on this page to sufficiently tell you how painful and lifealtering it was for my little family , for me , and especially for Josh . If you ’ ve been through it ,
you know , and if you haven ’ t , I hope you never do . Either way , you can read more about that in my book , Turning Sorrow into Joy . Time and circumstance eventually brought me to Nashville , while Josh stayed with his mom in Washington State . All the turmoil and distance took its toll , and in Josh ’ s teen years , he told us he was gay . I desperately wanted to “ fix it ” and take away his pain , but I couldn ’ t . I felt helpless , and the situation seemed hopeless . I tried to encourage him and be there for him , but it wasn ’ t enough . Little by little , he embraced the LGBTQ + lifestyle , and I watched my son slip away into darkness . His countenance and demeanor changed , and soon , he didn ’ t want anything to do with me .
As a pastor , I find the story I just told you is very familiar to many . Frequently , people reach out to me asking me what to do with a child or loved one who is in sin . How should