LEAD June 2024 | Page 35

“ There is no textbook for genuine prayer . True prayer is a spontaneous outpouring of honesty and need from the soul ’ s foundation .”
“ How ’ s it going ?” he asks with a smile . And you say , “ I ’ m doing fine ,” or you might even say , “ Couldn ’ t be better .”
But wait a minute ! Didn ’ t you have an argument with your spouse this morning ? Didn ’ t you just now catch a lecture from your boss ? So you just told your friend a whopper , and you don ’ t even think about it . How many times have you and I both done that ?
We have much less success posturing before God . He is with you during the argument with your spouse . He is saddened by the confrontation with your boss . And when you force a smile into your prayers and say , “ I couldn ’ t be better , Lord !” He is again saddened . He knows what you ’ re going through , and He has been looking forward to talking it over with you . He ’ d be much happier with an exasperated “ How long , Lord ?” than with your forced smile .
When God delays , we feel forgotten . We feel forsaken . We even feel frustrated with the Creator of the universe .
And that ’ s okay .
Despite the desolation of his emotional state , at least David prayed . And what kind of prayer did he offer ?
There is no textbook for genuine prayer . True prayer is a spontaneous outpouring of honesty and need from the soul ’ s foundation . In calm times , we say a prayer . In desperate times , we truly pray .
“ Lord ,” you cry , “ I ’ m lost and helpless . I have nowhere else to turn .” So having come to the end of your own limited resources , you are desperate enough to try your last resort : You pray .
David repeats one little word three times in his prayer of desperation : the word lest . This is the kind of small , inconspicuous word on which the entire meaning of a Scripture passage can hinge . Lest is a conditional word . First , David says , “ Lest I sleep the sleep of death ” ( v . 3 ). David was so worn out physically and emotionally that he fully expected to die . He seemed to have come to the last page , and since the book of his life story was about to close , it seemed like an appropriate time to pray .

“ There is no textbook for genuine prayer . True prayer is a spontaneous outpouring of honesty and need from the soul ’ s foundation .”

Not only did he fear his own death , but he also feared his own defeat . He said , “ Lest my enemy say , ‘ I have prevailed against him ’” ( v . 4 ). David was certain that Saul would come out the winner . David was preparing to surrender as a prisoner , and it seemed like an appropriate time to pray .
Perhaps worst of all , David feared his own disgrace : “ Lest those who trouble me rejoice when I am moved ” ( v . 4 ). Everyone in Israel